ABC'S to Integrity
ABC's to Integrity It has become ever more clear to me during this period, In my living during this 21st century, the absolute priceless...

Darkness Defeated Each Day 'New'
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/TDjCLQAcMU8?si=cdyGiA3fhncUguqU?&rel=0?&rel=0?&rel=0?&rel=0?&rel=0?&r...

Higher Still Contest: Perception As flowers seeded and carefully weeded it twirls to the top. Lovely. Let not extreme heat or frost...

Do Not Be Misled
Do Not Be Misled 'As a Snake-Eyed Skink Pursued' https://allpoetry.com/poem/16196423-As-a-Snake-Eyed-Skink-Pursued-by-Seah-Ray I repost...

'Nor Will They Learn War Anymore
'Nor Will They Learn War Anymore' " Who is wise? Let him understand these things. Who is discreet? Let him know them. For the ways of...

The Millennium: A Blessing To Humankind
The Millennium: A Blessing To Humankind The Millennium, start counting after marriage of the Lamb. For He's a King now reigning, though...

Paul's and Peter's Warnings plus Reminders for Peace
Paul's and Peter's Warnings plus Reminders for Peace "Be peaceable with one another." 1 Thess. 5:13. "The wisdom from above is first of...

'The Sea Gave Up the Dead In It'
'The Sea Gave Up the Dead In It' "And the sea gave up the dead in it". Rev. 20:13. *** "Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming...

Hummmm.... Global News
Hummmm.... Global News Recent News: Quote: 'Russians are worried, but trust Putin to deliver peace' https://www.bbc.com/news/videos/cgedg...

Shouldn't We Do What Is Right. . . 'Seek Peace and Pursue It'
Shouldn't We Do What Is Right. . . 'Seek Peace and Pursue It' "Salt is fine, but if the salt ever loses its saltiness, with what will you...