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ABC'S to Integrity

It has become

ever more clear to me

during this period,

In my living during this 21st century,

the absolute priceless value of loyalty...

All animals to feel safe and protected

need man to stop, pet, and reflect

upon this: His original purpose:

“Be fruitful and become many,

fill the earth and subdue it,

and have in subjection

the fish of the sea

and the flying creatures of the heavens

and every living creature

that is moving on the earth.” Gen. 1:28.

Not an isolated entity,

yet still unique as a snowflake

in individuality,


to succeed,

need to recognize


in whose image they were made

as to natural abilities:

Love, justice, wisdom, and power...

Then God said: (to Michael, then to become Christ)

“Let us make man in our image,

according to our likeness,

and let them have in subjection... " all mentioned previously.

"And God went on to create the man in his image,

in God’s image he created him;

male and female he created them." Gen. 1:26, 27.

Only dogs today seem to respect

this initial decree...

They help men bond

in parks and in the streets.

Owners stop to discuss

with whatever type of pedigree...

Now as I watch the end of this system

exiting with speed


with these conclusions: "man has dominated man to his harm."


detriment.”... Also, "to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.”" Eccl. 8:9. Rev. 11:18... Our Creator has promised to do through his faithful King Son!

All to learn to express love,

Be loyal.

Care for the earth and all its entities.

Dogs, cats, lions, steeds

Earth protected by

Faithful mankind fulfilling Jah's

Glorious original purpose for


I bow my head in prayer and praise to

Jehovah through Jesus,

King designate--eternal.

Life to be lived exquisitely-- Forever and always!

Mankind dedicated to furthering: God's will be done.

Not like Adam and Eve. Where selfishness was spun.

Only devoted to the Magnificent One.

It has become

ever more clear to me

during this period,

In my living during this 21st century,

the absolute priceless value of loyalty...

All animals to feel safe and protected

need man to stop, pet, and reflect

upon this: His original purpose:

“Be fruitful and become many,

fill the earth and subdue it,

and have in subjection

the fish of the sea

and the flying creatures of the heavens

and every living creature

that is moving on the earth.” Gen. 1:28.

Not an isolated entity,

yet still unique as a snowflake

in individuality,


to succeed,

need to recognize


in whose image they were made

as to natural abilities:

Love, justice, wisdom, and power...

Then God said: (to Michael, then to become Christ)

“Let us make man in our image,

according to our likeness,

and let them have in subjection... " all mentioned previously.

"And God went on to create the man in his image,

in God’s image he created him;

male and female he created them." Gen. 1:26, 27.

Only dogs today seem to respect

this initial decree...

They help men bond

in parks and in the streets.

Owners stop to discuss

with whatever type of pedigree...

Now as I watch the end of this system

exiting with speed


with these conclusions: "man has dominated man to his harm."


detriment.”... Also, "to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.”" Eccl. 8:9. Rev. 11:18... Our Creator has promised to do through his faithful King Son!

All to learn to express love,

Be loyal.

Care for the earth and all its entities.

Dogs, cats, lions, steeds

Earth protected by

Faithful mankind fulfilling Jah's

Glorious original purpose for


I bow my head in prayer and praise to

Jehovah through Jesus,

King designate--eternal.

Life to be lived exquisitely-- Forever and always!

Mankind dedicated to furthering: God's will be done.

Not like Adam and Eve. Where selfishness was spun.

Only devoted to the Magnificent One.

Praising Him alone eternally.

Questioning not His Sovereignty.

Respectfully granting him obedience for all he has done.

Strong in our determination to be loving,

Thoughtful, kind to all.

Unified and in harmony. No more

Violence, since

Wars are to cease...

Xanthoma and other diseases erased.

Youthful vigor to old age replace.

Zeal and zest for living ones of every race...


"This means everlasting life,

their coming to know you,

the only true God,

and the one whom you sent,

Jesus Christ." John 17:3.

Each flake of snow


into... an absolute example

of integrity.

The man has become like one of us in knowing good and bad.​—Gen. 3:22.

When Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, they sent a clear message: They did not trust Jehovah and his standards. They chose to set their own standards of good and bad. But look at what they lost. They lost their friendship with Jehovah. They also lost the opportunity to live forever, and they passed sin and death on to their children. (Rom. 5:12) Compare the way Adam and Eve behaved with the way that the Ethiopian eunuch responded when Philip preached to him. The eunuch appreciated so much what Jehovah and Jesus had done for him that he immediately got baptized. (Acts 8:34-38) When we dedicate ourselves to God and, like that eunuch, get baptized, we send a clear message. We show that we appreciate what Jehovah and Jesus have done for us. We also show that we trust Jehovah and recognize that he is the one who should set the standard of good and bad.

Many find it daunting to maintain strong personal relationships. Consider some Bible principles that can help you improve your life socially.


BIBLE PRINCIPLE: “Look out not only for your own interests, but also for the interests of others.”​—Philippians 2:4.


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© 42 mins ago, Lucretia McCloud    society sad teen spiritual hope love



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