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'The Sea Gave Up the Dead In It'

"And the sea gave up the dead in it".

Rev. 20:13.


"Do not be amazed at this,

for the hour is coming

in which

all those in the memorial tombs

will hear his voice

and come out". John 5:28, 29.

For "I have hope toward God,

which hope these men also look forward to,

that there is going to be a resurrection

of both the righteous

and the unrighteous." Acts 24:15.

As Jesus “was not left in hell”

stated in Acts 2:27, 31, 32;

in Psalm 16:10 foreseen

John's vision

elated he screened

this wonderful future:

"the sea gave up the dead in it,

and death and the Grave

gave up the dead

in them". Rev. 20:13, 14.


No Dream:

“The righteous”

those knowing

looking forward

an earthly resurrection

to see

"set free

all those

who were held in slavery

all their lives

by their fear of death."--

Mankind's greedy enemy. Heb. 2:15.

Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Moses,

Ruth, Esther,

and many others of 'faith'

defined as:

"the assured expectation

of what is hoped for,

the evident demonstration

of realities

that are not seen." Heb. 11:1.

These 'righteous'

solidly kept in mind.

We today

are gratefully reminded.

Yet, in their mind's eye

could they have envisioned

a similar scene:

"Jehovah of armies will make

for all the peoples

A banquet of rich dishes,

A banquet of fine wine,

Of rich dishes filled with marrow,

Of fine, filtered wine.

In this mountain he will do away with the shroud

that is enveloping

all the peoples

And the covering

that is woven over

all the nations.

He will swallow up death


And the Sovereign Lord Jehovah

will wipe away the tears

from all faces.

The reproach of his people

he will take away

from all the earth,

For Jehovah himself has spoken it." Isaiah 25:6-8.

Yes, for them


they sleep

in wait.

And for the billions of “unrighteous”

a glorious self-same fate:

Given time to learn

about the true God

and the Christ

offering eternal life

which in imperfection

one cannot earn:

"This means everlasting life,

their coming to know you,

the only true God,

and the one whom you sent,

Jesus Christ." John 17:3.

So from deep dark depths

of a wondrous sea

the 'breath of life'

will again generously be

blown into nostrils which knew

unthinkable horror

as they drowned--sailors, fishermen,

and those of the Titanic

will again breathe

to rejoice again in living among

survivors of The Great Day.

Under the reign of a King Son


already crowned.


"And the One seated on the throne



I am making all things new.”

Also he says:

“Write, for these words are faithful and true.”" Rev. 21:5.

*Written for: Top 11 Saddest Titanic Stories

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Real Hope for Your Loved Ones Who Have Died



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