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Darkness Defeated Each Day 'New'

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King Solomon stated:

<b>"In the place of justice

there was wickedness,

and in the place of righteousness

there was wickedness.

So I said in my heart:

“The true God will judge

both the righteous and the wicked,

for there is a time for every activity

and every action.”</b> Eccl. 3:16, 17.



existed not in <i>their</i> lives

except in night's rhythmic tranquil form.

Stars gently guided lids

to slowly dip

till each new day's



hungry eyes

raised to receding


un-hafted horizons


A spoken spite

did ignite


to bitterness


in hidden caverns

breeding death

through cancerous disease-

a spreading blight

to kill first slowly

though thoroughly



Heavenly dreads

then groans

when words of envy


an innocent one

thrusting aside loyalty, trust,

respect, even love

for dripping lust;

thieving greed.

Universally astonished screams,

<i>possibly,</i> as another's

traitorous chews


Begetting an atmosphere of gloom

plus doom

consuming the universe,

as a once angelic son

rebirthed demon


dishonorably won

hearts, minds

in treachery's deceit.

<i>Was righteousness defeated?</i>

Succeeding for centuries:

surging bloody waterfalls drenching

all, especially the sad, blind, seemingly spineless souls

sacrificed endlessly in satanic revelries boldly cold.


morals, ignorantly destroyed;


A majority's desire for an endless joyful life

by following a beckoning


into which

this darkness cannot resist.

Though, this world tragically


a dense darkness




Thinking ability

was gifted




a marvelous cranium

even until


<b>"I have seen the occupation

that God has given to the sons of men

to keep them occupied.

He has made everything beautiful*</b>

(Or “well-arranged; proper; appropriate.”)

<b>in its time.

He has even put eternity

in their heart;

yet mankind will never find out

the work that the true God has made

from start to finish.

I have concluded that there is nothing better for them

than to rejoice and to do good during their life,

also that everyone should eat and drink

and find enjoyment for all his hard work.

It is the gift of God."</b> Eccl. 3:10-13.

So <b>"all things are lawful"</b>

since 'free-will' was decreed;

<b>"but all things

are not advantageous"</b>,

<b>"not all things build up."</b>

<b>"So, then, let us pursue the things

making for peace

and the things

that build one another up."</b>

<b>"But I will not let myself be controlled*</b>

(Or “brought under authority.”)

<b>by anything.</b>

1 Cor. 10:23; Rom. 14:19; 1 Cor. 6:12.

<b>"Therefore, whether you are eating

or drinking

or doing anything else,

do all things

<i>for God’s glory.</i>

Keep from becoming causes for stumbling

to Jews as well as Greeks

and to the congregation of God,

just as I am trying to please

all people in all things,

not seeking my own advantage,

but that of the many,

<i>so that they may be saved."</i></b>

1 Cor. 10:31-33.


For: <b>"All Scripture is inspired of God

and beneficial for teaching, for reproving,

for setting things straight,

for disciplining in righteousness,

so that the man of God may be fully competent,

completely equipped

for every good work."</b> 2 Tim. 3:16, 17.



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