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Do Not Be Misled

'As a Snake-Eyed Skink Pursued'

I repost this poem

to even my own actions review:

"Me think,

I must speedily


my position,"

thought a snake-eyed skink

bleeding its biliverdin blood green

(by bile colored from ingesting flies, moths, fleas--

pests of life creating havoc for some fink human beings)

causing its present revolting indisposition:

Brink of extinct.

Succinct its emotion: "Obviously, needed

a 'shrink!',"

slinking away without its tail


after its 'presence' wrinkled

a homeowner's nose as vermin stink.

Then grabbed a broom

to it assail.

"You'd thought I was a living Sphinx!"

inwardly exclaimed, "the way he blinked,"

continued this reptile's tale

before camouflaged in a tree.

Its life to prevail.

From its higher vantage point

to see

irate 'man'

at kitchen sink

with cup in hand about to drink;

while liquid,


still did leak as precious ink,


or pig who oinks distinct in hue.

Intune, heard

an indistinct clink

through window seen in sync--

glass to shatter...

Lacking eyelids,

unlike a snake in wink

His reaction? 'Tink' back.

Try to remove tragic kink

in sad relationship link to this mimicked 'nink'

deficient in trust...

As zinc's used 'preventing' rust,

skink slid through a window slightly askew

as a room resembling a rink of bloodied 'players'

he did view...


"Jehovah is in his holy temple.

Jehovah’s throne is in the heavens.

His own eyes see,

his watchful eyes examine

the sons of men." Ps. 11:4.


"I, Jehovah, am searching the heart,

Examining the innermost thoughts,

To give to each one according to his ways,

According to the fruitage of his works." Jer. 17:10.


" For the ways of man

are before the eyes of Jehovah;

He examines all his paths.

The wicked one is ensnared

by his own errors,

And he will be caught

in the ropes of his own sin.

He will die for lack of discipline

And go astray

because of his excessive foolishness." Prov. 5:22-23.


"You have examined my heart,

you have inspected me by night;

You have refined me;

You will find that I have not schemed anything bad,

And my mouth has not transgressed." Ps. 17:3.


"And there is not a creation

that is hidden from his sight,

but all things are naked and openly exposed

to the eyes of the one

to whom we must give an account." Heb. 4:13.

" Look at the one who is pregnant with wickedness;

He conceives trouble and gives birth to lies.

He excavates a pit and digs it deep,

But he falls into the very hole he made.

The trouble he causes will return on his own head;

His violence will fall on the crown of his head." Ps. 7:14-16.


"Do not be misled:

God is not one to be mocked.

For whatever a person is sowing,

this he will also reap". Gal. 6:7.

"For the eyes of Jehovah are roving about

through all the earth

to show his strength in behalf of those

whose heart is complete toward him." 2 Chron. 16:9.

© 1 hour ago, Lucretia McCloud    society sad teen spiritual hope love



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