Shouldn't We Do What Is Right. . . 'Seek Peace and Pursue It'

"Salt is fine,
but if the salt ever loses its saltiness,
with what will you season it?
Have salt
in yourselves,
and keep peace
with one another.” Mark 9:50.
"If possible,
as far as it depends
on you,
be peaceable with all men." Rom. 12:18.
"For “whoever would love life
and see good days
must guard his tongue from bad
and his lips from speaking deception.
Let him turn away from what is bad
and do what is good;
let him seek peace and pursue it.
For the eyes of Jehovah
are on the righteous,
and his ears listen
to their supplication,
but the face of Jehovah
is against those doing bad things.”" 1 Pet. 3:10-12.
Therefore, shouldn't we: Stop. Think. Pray.
Then don't 'do' it?
Yes, we must please "Be
peaceable with one another." 1 Thess. 5:13.
Despite its difficulty
As stress boils into bitter
to patience
vessels of 'clay'.
But this is when Paul's words
we wisely replay:
"For all things I have the strength
through the one who gives me power." Phil. 4:13.
Thus: We kneel to repent.
We regret do convey
to 'Our Father in heaven'.
For our 'brothers' aren't 'prey'...
Since: "The fruit of righteousness
is sown
in peaceful conditions
(Or possibly, “by.”)
those who are making peace." James 3:18.
Without 'further' delay...
Even as 'war'
tragically universally portrays
itself to be life's only logical means
by which men can
insults and acts
rightfully 'repay'...
Yet, this we must
globally relay:
"Jehovah’s day
is coming exactly as a thief
in the night.
Whenever it is that they are saying,
“Peace and security!”"
don't be fooled
into 'naïve' delight...
For, "then sudden destruction
is to be instantly on them,"
the wicked
with all their hatred and fight
with 'heavens' hiding 'weapons'
behind a façade
of 'Relent"--
Us. With united might...
For, "just like birth pains
on a pregnant woman,
and they will by no means escape." 1 Thess. 5:2, 3.
With actions of 'fake' revealed as 'gold dust'
blown away
to quickly take flight
Because: "“Vengeance is mine;
I will repay,” says Jehovah." Rom. 12:19.
No, "there is not a creation
that is hidden from his sight,
but all things are naked and openly exposed
to the eyes of the one
to whom we must give an account." Heb. 4:13.
"Always be rejoicing.
Pray constantly.
Give thanks for everything.
This is God’s will for you in Christ
Jesus." In the glorious heights...
"Do not put out the fire of the spirit.
Do not treat prophecies with contempt.
Make sure of all things;
hold fast to what is fine.
Abstain from every form of wickedness."
1 Thess. 5:16-22.
Do what is 'upright'.
Walk in true 'light'...
"“Arise, O woman,
shed light,
for your light has come.
The glory of Jehovah shines on you.
For look! darkness will cover the earth
And thick gloom the nations;
But on you Jehovah will shine,
And on you his glory will be seen.
Nations will go to your light
And kings to your shining splendor.*" Isa. 60:1, 2.
(Or “to the brightness of your dawn.”)
"In that day
the root of Jesʹse will stand up
as a signal for the peoples.
To him the nations will turn for guidance,
And his resting-place will become glorious." Isa. 11:10.
Peace on Earth—How Will It Come?
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