A Billionaire Tree

A Billionaire Tree (contest What Would You Do If You Became A Billionaire - Lizzyf) ionaire-Tree--contest-What-Would-You-Do-If-You-Became-A-Bil-by
If today I sprang up on scene as a burgeoning billionaire tree,
DIA&F Inc.,* which laid dormant as the deceased for what seemed centuries, could begin to rapidly sprout nourishing seeds or flourish as temporary shade for diversified members of humanity in honest housing need,
before the onset of 'dead' winter's crippling freezing disposition threatening a communal survival of 'groaning creation' comprised of those considered 'outside'-unfortunately despised.
I would continue to consult for wisdom as to how to beneficially proceed, so that by an 'ailing' system's end, of which many 'greedy' do defend, this title 'billionaire' to be freed because of purchasing many extended stays and necessary businesses to uphold and feed them around our globe without further delay
providing a measure of safety and aid
to 'ride the tide' until a graceful exit into offered 'eternity'...
Online and in-person training I would provide to many onsite or remote personnel to assist and/or abide while children, widows, families, or single would also be educated during their stay
to become a thriving loving community... For cooperation is definitely a way for a village to close acid mouths against 'charitable acts' for a 'foreign' many--an 'unsympathetic' deride.
A Billionaire Tree (contest What Would You Do If You Became A Billionaire - Lizzyf) - Seah Ray
Diamond's International Associates and Friends, Inc. https://mccloudlucretia.wixsite.com/diamondsmindset © 12 hours ago, Lucretia McCloud hope • love • rhyme • sad • society • teen