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Almost-a-Murderer's True Beginning: No Absence of Malice

Almost-a-Murderer's True Beginning: No Absence of Malice Prologue Time and again, Detectives M & C McLaud--Mike and Carol, both once lawyers, saw blood trickle through the lineage of their personal bloodlines and in bleeding streams branched off from an immediate circle of friends. Trekking to funerals virtually or masked and in-person; listening to attendee's shocking accounts of how in a volcanic heat, a loved one is found dead or they lie dying as their assailant--a relative or friend stood horrified and crying, or a close associate has fled a scene after unnaturally plotting and conspiring. This initiated Mike and Carol's course in sleuthing rather than defending. They figured: If they could prevent murders as a couple, their day-to-day lives would increase in happiness. Also, those of their grateful clients. Carol was especially ecstatic to begin after sitting with this beautiful middle-aged woman named Diamond, Diamond Duprey, struggling to survive breast cancer. Diamond heard about the aspiring detectives through an awe-struck practitioner who praised their empathetic natures and philanthropic actions--using personal funds to begin their fledging agency--The McLaud's--Do Call... Not: Ghost Busters. Upon sight first set, Diamond was attracted to the fashionable and attractive Mike and Carol. But after listening to their couple story, yet becoming more in tuned to how they lovingly interacted with one another, Diamond felt that she had found the perfect ones to find Octavia's child before Octavia did herself. Diamond fought strenuously against a failing vital force and a dwindling voice to aid The McLaud's understanding as to why she was uncharacteristically sticking her nose where it may not belong. Before her white bed sheet is pulled high to cover her face, Diamond wanted to ensure that Octavia's daughter Lucy would have a life unlike that of her mom's. All the while, attempting to keep Octavia's heartless paws off Lucy's promised funds. So began Carol's visitations to listen to and tape Diamond's Story: CHAPTER ONE "I once loved Octavia," Diamond said in an almost whisper, though they were alone under a dim light in a private hospital room. Detective Carol McLaud adjusted her long skirt so as to roll closer to hear Diamond's recollections, although she had asked permission to tape their conversations. Requested, not only because a great deal of money to inherit was involved in this case. But because Carol found herself totally mesmerized by this vibrant intelligent woman whose life was slipping away; yet, she manages to exert her meager energies towards locating a young woman who seemed to be unconcerned with locating her. And then,... upon discovery, this Lucy will be left monies not earned, to perhaps burn through. Both Carol and Mike felt that many of the murders committed were done for this very reason: Inheritance. And while it is true that Diamond lies dying, what happens if she actually pulls through? A chain of events that could be prevented may domino Diamond's life into death, due to greed, not need--anyway. Still, Carol could only help if she listened intently and learned what tied Octavia and Diamond together. And what had developed over time to tragically sever those ties. Carol asked: "Diamond, do you need anything,... water before you begin?" Diamond just gazed at the ceiling and spoke as if seeing it all again... *** If I could've just zapped up some fantastic superpowers, at that exact moment, I'd have stretched out my rubberized arm and yanked back that departing taxi, reloaded my luggage, and blinked us back to the airport. But of course, I had no power. I felt 'powerless'. Instead, I stood on the curb before Mom’s house under the beautiful turning orange and brown leaves of my lovely oak tree with my wheeled luggage by my side, watching the yellow cab peel off to the next fare. Honestly, I almost waved it down in hot pursuit. But family duty clutched my then fashion-forward coattail. Family obligations flew me home to Chicago from Brooklyn, then pinned me into a twilight moment. I can do this. This isn’t just for me, I coaxed myself; wishing I’d taken an opportunity to pick up another journal to jot down those conflicted emotions. Surely, I could use that material somewhere, the aspiring writer in me acknowledged. Also, my original journal had disappeared. Plus I thought: Madame needs to gain belief in family relationships too. Even if she doesn’t show up here to watch the show in motion, maybe my being able to recount this journey will build her faith in them. I understood Madame a little because if not for Prudence, I too wouldn’t be a believer... And wasn’t it thoughtful of Prudence?—her small boxed gift, to be opened only when I’ve actually hit my lowest. Though, when did she think that might be? constantly nagged me. She didn't know me or my family. Why the gift's negative connotation prevented my ripping it open immediately. Carol leaned in to find out the contents of the gift box, when Diamond turned her face towards her and smiled a sad little smile. "Mrs. McLaud. I am afraid that I've quite exhausted myself. Do you not mind us picking up tomorrow with the story? "Oh, no, Mrs. Duprey! What time do you want me to arrive? And is there anything that I can bring you?" "Oh, that is so sweet of you. No. No. Nothing at all. Although, I think I'd like it if you just called me Diamond. And how about tomorrow afternoon around 2:30. I have chemo in the early morning. By then I should've mustered up some energy." "2:30 it is then. And call me Carol." "Okay, Carol. I've enjoyed your visit. You and your husband Mike feel like a godsend. Thank you." Carol lightly touched her arm, watching her lids droop; thinking: "I wonder what tomorrow's saga will bring." "Oh, Carol," Diamond's hazel eyes popped open. "I almost forgot," she whispered. "Pull open that little drawer there," she said pointing to the small table adjacent the hospital bed. "Would you take that manila envelope with you to read... When I first came for a checkup I'd been writing down a little something about Vie and my relationship... I'd thought that maybe it would make a funny play." "It may help you understand us a little better," she giggled. "It is definitely giving me a lighter perspective," she finished with her eyes again closing. "Thank you, again, Carol. And have a good night." "You, too,... Diamond." *** Just outside of Diamond's door, Carol stopped to read the title on the envelope: Diamond's World: Day 1. Carol smiled thinking about this as a future play, knowing that she'd be interested in its development. Maneuvering herself along the sterile corridor she decided to grab a cup of coffee at the canteen and take a look at what Diamond had written. After grabbing a chocolate chip cookie to go with her coffee, since premium it wasn't, Carol spotted a recently vacant corner table; sat down; then let her eyes adjust to the yellow lined legal tablet covered with a lovely script and a few red cross-outs. Carol began to read it in an undertone: "There are companions ready to crush one another, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24. However, “Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits.” 1 Cor. 15:33. * Day 1: Murder. Me?... I've never before been one to contemplate someone's death, even in jest. Couldn't even play the game Clue. I imagined the guilt of attempted murder would eat me alive from inside like Judas. And like Judas attempting to rectify his error by hanging himself over the ledge of a cliff, my branch too would probably break and I'd end up as he. “This very man, therefore, purchased a field with the wages for unrighteousness, and falling headfirst, his body burst open and all his insides spilled out.” Acts 1:18. Yuch!... And I'd probably survive, trapped by mangled body and mind to fester the rest of my life with this ‘should've known better' outcome. And to make matters worst, Vie, who is the one, who for a brief second I imagined dying, would probably be the unreliable person that I'd need to rely on for survival! I take a hard sip of my cold coffee, wondering how much more I'd need to consume to settle this increasing hunger feeding my anger... Evicted from my lovely home at the Bossert to a wooden bench on the Promenade!... And where is she? I ask Emanon, my cat, lying patiently inside her temporary home, catnapping. No longer concerned with passersby, those flying by chirping birds. She lifted her head, turning her one good eye towards me, saying, "Me...ow, " you askin'? I smile as she lays her head back down. Losing the smile as my thoughts return to Vie... I sent her for something to eat to protect my cat from her aggravating presence... How did she even get Emanon to trust her into bringing her from Chicago to Brooklyn, anyway?... I thought I'd made an impossible scenario for Vie to show up on my doorstep. And I hadn't been home a week before they arrived... Cat carrier and two pulley luggage of Octavia’s aka Vie's necessary items. I was afraid to even ask what those might entail... Probably, paraphernalia for today's bizarre... And, how long had she planned on staying? And, actually, why I considered helping her at all was because I found out about her poor child infected with HIV. Of, course, she doesn't know that I know that she even has a child... But did she use this as an opportunity to show up with her 4 year-old little girl, for whom I was really concerned? No... Now, only a month later, and here I am taking in my lovely Manhattan skyline from a seat once sought along the Hudson River. Now unwillingly I perch outside my precious apartment with its small balcony overlooking this view with a small suitcase of my own personals. Fortunately, I am allowed to leave my hard earned clothes and furnishings there until I find a suitable, more lenient home for me, a partially blind cat, courtesy of my mother, and a wild woman from my childhood, once a so-called ‘friend’. Maybe, hopefully, I can find her a separate home and to mine, return, I think, suddenly happy, although barely, seeing Vie lackadaisically striding towards me with a smirk on her face and a wicked gleam in her eye. I can only imagine her thoughts upon my knowledge of her: Vie “A little leaven ferments the whole batch of dough.” “You must love your neighbor as yourself.” "If, though, you keep on biting and devouring one another, look out that you do not get annihilated by one another.” Galatians 5:9, 14, 15. * Day 1: Yeah,... it's no wonder Diamond forgot about me... Just look at this place... Dog walkers with their pretty little pooches... Brownstones, like the ‘Huxtable's’. I see and smell money, here... Yet, none of it trickles down to me, she gripes, searching for the least expensive eatery to quickly chow down, while deciding what she actually wanted Diamond to do for her. * On her way back, Vie's eyes devour everyone, whether married or single; testing whether they notice her in either a good or bad way. Her motto: There's a thin line between love and hate. She cares neither which way you feel about her... Just ‘feel' her. So it also doesn't matter that the attention she receives is more out of disgust shown to the ‘underprivileged’ as announced by her ripped ‘daisy dukes', tight tee, also cut off, then knotted just beneath her breasts, (more pronounced than Diamond ever remembered) and her plastic flip flops. True, her body, despite her birthing a child, demands more than a casual glance. But Diamond's Brooklyn neighborhood considers Vie's appearance designed for the ‘red light' district... And they are not far off in their appraisal. Vie continues to dally... Not to take note of the neighborhood’s history, mind you, or the communities’ tree's loveliness, or the location of Diamond's apartment in regards to future employment opportunities. Vie takes her sweet time bringing back a breakfast burrito to Diamond, ensuring that it is good and greasy cold. Swinging the bag as she walks to pound an oily spot onto both sides. And whatever change she expects to receive, she may as well forget that! she thinks... She owes me! Carol laughs as she finishes to answer Mike's call... "Hey, honey!" "Hey, yourself... You sound pretty chipper to be at the hospital with a patient dying of cancer." "Oh, yes, I guess I do... Diamond, has let me read the beginning of a play she'd started about Lucy's mother and it just tickled me... I sincerely hope she can beat this thing." "Me too... I like her. And she seems to be on the level... I'm outside... Are you ready?" "Yes. I'll be right out." ***Complete novel available on Amazon Saturday 6th, 2022... Photo credits: © 10 hours ago, Lucretia McCloud family friendship hope love society teen



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