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ALMOST-A-MURDERER SERIES: As the Cuckoo Flies Kindle Edition

Almost-a-Murderer Series: As the Cuckoo Flies Kindle Edition PROLOGUE Married 50 wondrous years, Marjorie and Henry's family, co-workers, and friends toasted their longevity year after year amid growing hypocritical 'congratulations' and snickers because rumors flew like a cuckoo about frightening fights increasing since the onset of the pandemic that would culminate on the eve of their 50th-anniversary party. A 'grand finale' for at least one of the parties. The tragic event organized, sadly, by three co-conspirators--the husband and the wife themselves secretly conspiring against the other by means of a third-party who seeks the death of them both. Gossip leaks spread about Marjorie and Henry instead of encouragement and sincere praise because of successful climbs out and over peaks and valleys of adversity. No one descending to water down their cultured rages as many wait in shadowed silence to benefit from their impending catastrophic failure... Not just monetarily... Thought: If they can't make it, then marriages aren't meant to be... We can cease trying expectantly. So what do Marjorie, Henry, and the other member of this intrigue have in deplorable store? What, if anything, would close the door on murder? And even more, how can we benefit from their story? *** Into Le Magnifique--a luxurious hotel in Martha's Vineyard, still busy during Covid's season because of excellent cuisine and a regal atmosphere, masked and unmasked young and old guests from all over the U.S. took their turns at the dark marbled front desk or lingering in the tiled lobby waiting to be escorted to their comfortable rooms. They were composed of long-time friends and family of Marjorie and Henry Wainscot--A warm couple coming upon fifty years of marriage. The occasion had been two years in planning by their four offspring and best friends: The oldest--Jonathan with his wife Gale arrived the night before from Chicago. Jonathan was forty-eight years old and had become an engineer like his father. Matter-of-fact, he seemed to be a younger replica of him with light brown skin on a tall toned frame which usually wore expensive suits and casual wear to events arranged by Gale, a mixed race beauty of exquisite taste. Lately, due to the pandemic, their high ended living expenses has caused them much concern. Then there is Rachel. Forty-four and again single. For the third time. She flew in from L.A. with a trail of luggage holding an assortment of beauty products and outfits designed to show off her still curvy 5'6 physique to the best possible advantage. A dark-skinned beauty, she needed husband four to have a lot of cash. And hopefully, be the last. The twins, Kevin and Crystal, were twenty-years-old and both enrolled in internet schooling from Martha's Vineyard. Popular due to appearance and a thriving social following detailing their daily 'doings'. They were always searching for more small events to make the most influential social impact... Kevin and Crystal decided to share a suite at the hotel to document their parent's momentous occasion. David and Stacy Pollard arrived from Decatur, Georgia. Marjorie's and Henry's hometown before retiring to Martha's Vineyard. Friends since high school, David and Stacy now kept in touch mainly virtually. With four children of their own, except stair-step in ages ranging from forty-eight to forty-five with a host of grandchildren, they were kept pretty occupied with gift-giving reunions and graduations. So this anniversary celebration was a needed respite... And after a quite enjoyable visit with a favored niece and her husband visiting from Connecticut--Michael and Carol Laud, David and Stacy coerced them to 'tag-along' with them to the Vineyard. Their even-keeled demeanor desired to bridge a growing gulf between the couples. Of jealously inspired. LIT FROM WITHIN Hidden under a basket not boldly on a lampstand ends in a shadowy casket. Final--thoughts and acts of blind man. * Expelled a demon from one Causing speechless to him come. Praises should've sprout forth from all As Light--Not darkness, to withdraw. * If our eyes do not focus might we miss this brilliant light: This one sent to earth with purpose-- His Father's will his main delight? * Let lamplight radiant from within. To Jah's & Christ's glory before men. CHAPTER ONE [For forty-five minutes, Marjorie and Henry sat in their Camry with the windows cracked to enjoy the cool breeze off the Atlantic Ocean while the Steamship Authority transported them back to Oaks Bluffs. Henry lightly drummed the steering wheel puzzled by a tune Marjorie kept humming since they'd left their financial advisor Carl's office. Her pleasant humming raised the hairs on his arms. "Hey, Marge... What is that tune you keep humming? It's unfamiliar." Inside Marjorie smiled... "Just something catchy I heard on the radio earlier," she lied... For some reason these words "I know what you said. I heard what you did. I know who you saw. I know what you hid" continually circled inside her head. She wished that maybe she should sing it on TikTok with her twins as backup. Just as a lark. But reconsidered. "That would be too obvious," she mused... Carl had informed her of just how Henry her used. She glanced over at Henry and smiled for real... "It is catchy, isn't it?" Then turned her face towards the fast approaching dock. Clouds beginning to darken the sky as the water became choppy.} IN IRE'S EYES In ire's eyes dances crimson flames. (A Seductive dame.) By calmness contained like gentle rain tapping out agitated fire in a dry field posed to ignite-- a global plain into blazing. To incinerate: A peaceful knight. * "A man of knowledge restrains his words, And a discerning man will remain calm." Proverbs 17:27. "I guess we made it back just in time," she continued. Her comments churning inside Henry's head like the ocean with a dark incoming dread mimicking the island's impeding storm. Unfortunately, Marge's upbeat spirit spelled trouble. "It had throughout their 49 years of marriage," Henry thought... Actually, he didn't recognize the pattern until well into there union. With the kids, work, vacation plans filling their days, it wasn't until the twins arrived that things got really rocky. They popped up after a night of too-much rum. In the beginning it didn't take rum to bed his wife. A gorgeous shapely dark woman with a throaty laugh that once impelled him to cross a crowded club and finagle his way through her admirers to her right side with a glass of red. Surprised, she took the glass and a sip. Something not suggested to do now-a-days. And not something he even desires to do anymore. A BREEZE--PLEASE A breeze I sought; do now seek from valleys low to high peaks mountainous. A lift to swell my heart dark with phrases well please impart spontaneous. Encouragement delicious pleasingly sweet; nutritious extemporaneous. They to me needs be--a wind on a deep sea. Too, of men consanguineous. Henry started the car and pulled carefully off the ferry. And Marjorie continued her humming. Her mind thinking upon the lovely red sequined gown she would be wearing to their anniversary party. Fifty long years... Admittedly, it still flew like the seagulls overhead squawking their discontent. The days of romance blown past fast with children, work, and then more kids... Somewhere she lost herself. But now she sees a future free to become who she was really meant to be...beloved. Not her thoughts: Journey Oftentimes I've learned to enjoy journeys to destinations I did not seek; for while climbing, walking, running, strolling, or sliding I found myself ascending verdant hills descending daisied valleys magnificent as hawks, eagles, wrens, and snakes I encountered growing to strong from weak... To eventually scale a small mountain peak. Yes, sun's rays warmed my skin and fluctuating shadows frightened me. Through both times I raised my eyes for you to thank and for you to seek. *** "Jehovah is good to all, And his mercy is evident in all his works." Ps. 145:9. ONE PAINFUL TRUTH I'd trade a thousand lovely lies, for one painful truth I shall not despise. Cinderella wasn't a happily ever after. Millions of divorces deride in tragic proof. Swatting flies with our wedding certificate symbolizing how a roaring flame dwindles, if not even singly inflamed, into embers dying growing steadily insignificant. Like the feather weighing more than all the love you left me. Nearly broken. Under a bleeding moon. Then poof! Flying to Death. Leaving the Living behind though, never ready, when it's saying goodbye... Yet, there exists a heroism in the silence of accepting the end as one Can't save a falling star. A third of the heavens ousted down exemplify this terrifying truism our earth now their iniquitous demonistic 'lar'.* That traveling light fleeing your sight? If you can see it, its dead. Dead still when you gaze again pretending that it'll never end. Love unfilled leaves dried out one's will to live if not forgiving oneself and others freely letting go. Until, fulfilled: "Your dead will live. My corpses will rise up. Awake and shout joyfully, You residents in the dust! For your dew is as the dew of the morning, And the earth will let those powerless in death come to life." So, "Enjoy life with your beloved wife all the days of your futile life, which He has given you under the sun, all the days of your futility, for that is your lot in life and in your hard work at which you toil under the sun. Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might, for there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave, where you are going." A 'truth' painful or lovely to you? *** As Henry ran hot water into his tub of passion fruit and grapefruit bubble bath with lavender Epsom salts, Marjorie watched, positioned before her lighted magnification mirror. Paused from plucking rapid returning stubborn hairs from her chin in an otherwise still youthful face of medium brown hued skin. Usually warm brown eyes squinted while Henry's robe, once encircled a muscular frame. Now it could barely contain flesh grown soft in excesses. Her look? One of disdain, while indeed, Henry's eyes held the same, as he circled his hand in the expanding rising bubbles. He glanced back to see her peer into a mirror which projected her face into grotesque wicked distortion. A sneaky smirk lifting his mouth as he thought about what he'd plan to do later today. After the party. And Marjorie too had murder in mind. They'd each discussed it individually with a 'friend'. How they'd plan to do each other in. It would be simple since each had their routines. And neither had ever thought to concoct anything so extreme: Poison each other's nighttime drink. For eternal sleep. An end to no longer dream. A fifty year Grand Finale. What each did not know was that this family 'confident' and 'friend' also planned to fill their drinks with an additional poison. Designed to finish off both, if any one of the two decided their action to rethink. To be administered by another family member or friend 'knowingly' or 'unknowingly'? CHAPTER TWO I--THE ROSE A wild rose I am not. Though, I've dreamed a particular freedom felt... Strength and a spectacular beauty dealt to that lovely breed of rose seeded along nature's road. Although, sown among rocky soil. Tickled to bend by vibrant breezes. Plucked in youthful passing spoiled in young love's heed to speedily pleasing to enable harsh thoughtless groping... Juvenile squeezing... More picking... Senseless teasing. Defenseless off the vine. Crushed between fingers. Hearts later sorrowful... pricked to bleeding. He loves me... He loves me not...? Inwardly pleading for a vase. * No. I traveled across a stormy sea as a tight-bud before my journey to find you... For your loving gaze to inspire me to be... * Delicate I lie in your hands after upon volcanic rock bred my petals too velvety soft to touch so fair... since thoughtfully fed. Watered my veins by a drip dripping strain to moisten our greenhouse's flower beds where we're beautifully contained. Protected from harsh heat, high winds, direct sun and heavy rains in an atmosphere perfect to maintain my vivid coloring. My fragrance light delightful to tickle your nose and sweeten your desirable air with distance now closed between us... shared... I grew in soil sought explicit to find. Cultivated truly divine, I desire to speak. For when peaked I bloom full... "This you seek?... Yes?" A rose not fulfilled, but wilted brings forth gloom. But in your hands I am defined as exquisite... sublime. I've come to believe. You gently avoid my sharp pointed thorns... You cup me to inhale... Upon your person I lovingly you adorn... I am me to you a symbol born... Know that your love is warmly worn upon my flesh which you gently caress. Cherish... We each other bless. For you do know that an intrinsic glow comes from your generous caring when I, The Rose, Is upon you... bestowed. "David, do you have time to listen to this poem I composed for Marjorie and Henry's Anniversary Party?... I need to know if Marge will feel a bit of kinship with me again after I read it," Stacy asked while leaning against the doorjamb of David's office. He was hurriedly trying to stuff a manila envelop into his desk drawer... He did not understand why Marjorie and Henry's financial advisor Carl would send He and Stacy nude photos of a young Marjorie signed to 'David with love'... That ship has been sunk. "Of all times to drag up past hidden sins... Here Stacy and I are finally bonding like old times--... Surely neither Henry or Marge is trying to sabotage our newfound peace!... Do they not have any idea how hard-earned this has been?... On top of everything else a failed business because of Henry's pulling out leaving me footing the bill after his wife's constant pursuit of me because of his 'duties' unfulfilled! "Honey, did you hear me?" "Yes... Yes, but I am in the middle of something right now dear. Can I possibly hear it later?" "Sure," said Stacy wondering what has gotten David into a flutter. Back into their country kitchen, she reread what she had written: GIRLFRIENDS--OUR HILARITY In what we felt was really a safer time? this one true girl friend of mine beside me walked home as the darkness of the evening fast fell, we feeling unchained like birds chirping in trees; for not assailed by heavy pebbles in an attempt to cripple our wings. Nor hail fell to pummel us permanently as we lightly skipped about in life near-sighted, plus, obviously green. Sighted a white van. Seen two men outside opened doors standing conversing who we both thought we knew. Flailing our arms like silly ducks taking flight we flew rapidly excited in quick stride to catch a ride, when instantly we braked beside them. We could not hide our embarrassment before those strangers then, leering in delight. Fall over we did in awful bends; not able to flee... Instead, we tilted to lean heavily against a brick building near those puzzled men, us laughing-- not in conscious fright, due to our near-sightedness. Our glasses tucked out-of-sight; invariably, making us blind to an individual's crucial identity needed especially at night. But then our priority? Our legs and knees we tightly squeezed so as not to produce dual tragic streams to their curbside. Doubly disturbing if unleased to further our youthful hilarity. Where once a disturbance existed between them she couldn't believe, because of a situation where both women were of the same man--Stacy's husband--smitten. LEAH'S EYES I. Unloved as heat on a desert plain Upon my breast no favor claimed As in a tent cuddled she cooed Her beauty my position shooed As chaff on a swirling twirling wind. My lot as second commences. Ends. II. In the twilight of our lives Forgotten deceitful lies that hid Lack of luster of my eyes As mandrakes shared as bitter hire Multiplied our joyful progeny joined As priests and kings compatible sired. III. Love flamed in time precedes then mellows And hatred felt can then too settle Into breezes cooling heated tongues As envy turned pleasant over years begun And children raised under nurturing suns Calmed blood of sister in marriage once shunned. Stacy went to the refrigerator and glanced over the pictures of their children and grandchildren. She smiled at all they'd accomplished over the years... It hadn't been easy, but David was again her best friend and she wouldn't have wanted to take this journey with anyone else despite the nightmares and tears. True, it's only been since her niece Carol and her husband Mike have started visiting them regularly that she and David have really reconnected. Put away doubts and fears. Their conversations and friendship have bonded them in a peaceful way that she, David, Marjorie, and Henry never have. Surprisingly, despite Mike and Carol's youth... They shared a wisdom uncommon today. Their prayers and thoughtfulness gave David and Stacy a newfound joy in day-to-day living and a wonderful hope for the future; despite mankind's increasing darkness through which it is difficult to peer. She felt about them as a couple does about peers in this poem, which in a recent 'chapbook' appeared: BANJAN WINTERS Did you move back to Barbados where snow doesn't blow into drifts higher than my knees which didn't impede me plus three others trudging through freezing temperatures smiling, tripping, sliding; even when a couple slid down subway steps forced into occupation as sliding board of packed ice, where one mate quietly disappeared without any preliminary anticipation and then other giggling also like a happy child flew?... Yes, a blizzard twice with a hungry crew that diminished by two the next year. Not because of your cooking I tell you.. What is it about your banquet spread of pumpkin soup, pig tails, peas and rice, fishcakes, black cake, macaroni pie (wasn't there goat, and mouth-watering bread?... Not flying fish we ate in your native state...) But what is it that tells the heavenly skies comprised of nimbostratus clouds to drop consistent exquisite individual flakes before our childlike delighted eyes on those particular dates? Still-in-all, us four did not even hesitate to bundle up, pull shut our doors on warmth of personal homes. For your sweet comforting smile would be worth the thrilling journey alone. Who am I kidding? It's you and Bajan fare. Even to Barbados to gather there. That's why Stacy and David were thrilled to find out that Mike and Carol Laud would be able to attend the anniversary party with them... "Matter-of-fact, I'd better finish packing," Stacy remembered in good spirits and cheers. CONTENTMENT I guess it slips up on you-- Sly like. A gentle touch on the shoulder from behind from a loved one's hand. You're surprised! "When did you arrive?! How did you get here?! I've been searching for you; praying for you; I'm glad you came! How long can you stay?" I say with the English novel now pushed away. As I smell and hear the boil of pork. As I feel the cool from spiraling blades on the sweat of my bare arms and as I gaze through the open french doors providing little relief from summer's blaz- ing heat. As I hear him play with the barbecue seasoning its meat. And in my heart... "I'm glad you could come. Hope you won't stray." CHAPTER THREE... ALMOST-A-MURDERER SERIES: As the Cuckoo Flies Kindle Edition © 4 minutes ago, Lucretia McCloud teen society hope family friendship love


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