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'By Your Endurance. . .' To All Nations

"The one who has endured to the end

will be saved.

And this good news

of the Kingdom

will be preached in all the inhabited earth

for a witness to all the nations,

and then the end will come." Matt. 24:13, 14.


Foretold, fulfilled

about why sold:

"‘Look! The eyes

of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah

are on the sinful kingdom,

And he will annihilate it from the surface of the land.

But I will not completely annihilate

the house of Jacob,’

declares Jehovah." Amos 9:8.

"I will not destroy them all.

I will bring out of Jacob an offspring

And out of Judah the one to inherit my mountains;

My chosen ones will take possession of it,

And my servants will reside there.

Sharʹon will become a pasture for sheep

And the Valley of Aʹchor a resting-place for cattle,

For my people who search for me." Isa. 65:8-10.

"Those not my people

I will call ‘my people,’

and her who was not loved,


and in the place where it was said to them,

‘You are not my people,’ there they will be called

‘sons of the living God.’

Moreover, Isaiah cries out concerning Israel:

“Although the number of the sons of Israel

may be as the sand of the sea,

only the remnant will be saved."

"Also, just as Isaiah foretold:

“Unless Jehovah of armies had left an offspring to us,

we should have become just like Sodʹom,

and we should have resembled Go·morʹrah.”

What are we to say, then?

That people of the nations,

although not pursuing righteousness,

attained righteousness,

the righteousness that results from faith;

but Israel, although pursuing a law of righteousness,

did not attain to that law.

Because they pursued it, not by faith,

but as by works.

They stumbled over the “stone of stumbling”;

as it is written:

“Look! I am laying in Zion a stone of stumbling

and a rock of offense,

but the one who rests his faith on it

will not be disappointed.”” Rom. 9:25-27, 29-33.

For Jehovah will make an accounting on the earth,

concluding it and cutting it short.”" Rom. 9:28.

Yes: "There will be great tribulation

such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning

until now,

no, nor will occur again.

In fact, unless those days were cut short,

no flesh would be saved;

but on account of the chosen ones

those days will be cut short."

"False Christs and false prophets

will arise and will perform great signs and wonders

so as to mislead,

if possible,

even the chosen ones.

Look! I have forewarned you." Matt. 24:21, 22, 24, 25.

"Whenever it is that they are saying,

“Peace and security!”

then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them,

just like birth pains on a pregnant woman,

and they will by no means escape." 1 Thess. 5:3.

“Immediately after the tribulation of those days,

the sun will be darkened,

and the moon will not give its light,

and the stars will fall from heaven,

and the powers of the heavens

will be shaken.

Then the sign of the Son of man

will appear in heaven,

and all the tribes of the earth

will beat themselves in grief,

and they will see the Son of man

coming on the clouds of heaven

with power and great glory.

And he will send out his angels

with a great trumpet sound,

and they will gather his chosen ones together

from the four winds,

from one extremity of the heavens

to their other extremity." Matt. 24:29-31.

So, for some: "Become watchful,

and strengthen the things remaining

that were ready to die,

for I have not found your works fully performed

before my God.

Therefore, continue mindful

of how you have received and how you heard,

and go on keeping it,

and repent.

Certainly unless you wake up,

I will come as a thief,

and you will not know at all

at what hour I will come upon you." Rev. 3:2, 3.

For: "You, brothers,

you are not in darkness, so that the day should overtake you

as it would thieves,

for you are all sons of light and sons of day.

We belong neither to night

nor to darkness.

So, then, let us not sleep on as the rest do,

but let us stay awake

and keep our senses."

"Always be rejoicing.

Pray constantly.

Give thanks for everything.

This is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Do not put out the fire of the spirit.

Do not treat prophecies with contempt.

Make sure of all things;

hold fast to what is fine.

Abstain from every form of wickedness." 1 Thess 5:4-6, 16-21.

"Anyone who seeks a blessing for himself in the earth

Will be blessed by the God of truth,

And anyone who swears an oath in the earth

Will swear by the God of truth.

For the former distresses will be forgotten;

They will be concealed from my eyes." Isa. 65:16, 17.


"Stand complete and with firm conviction

in all the will of God." Col. 4:12.

"By your endurance

you will preserve your lives." Luke 21:19.


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