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Daniel's 'Visions of the Night'

Daniel's 'Visions of the Night' "The kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ.”​ Rev.. 11:15. In Daniel's frightening 'Visions of the Night' we find comfort. Even utter delight for we are living through his sighted 'final days' where we've gained a brighter 'hope' of salvation. For coming to understand prophecies past gives us greater and uplifting insight into a future from a God of 'purpose'-- not of fallible human 'plans'. Look at Daniel's envisioned 'horn' into the twentieth century, on a fearsome creature worn: "After this I kept watching in the visions of the night, and I saw a fourth beast, fearsome and terrifying and unusually strong, and it had large iron teeth. It was devouring and crushing, and what was left it trampled down with its feet. It was different from all the other beasts that were prior to it, and it had ten horns." (Denoting totality. Earthly complete.) "While I considered the horns, look! another horn, a small one, came up among them, (Great Britain--which "by 1870, Britain had become the largest empire on earth, and it had the most powerful military force.") Then. and three of the first horns were plucked up from before it." ("France, Spain, and the Netherlands" as if in sweep by natural course.) "And look! there were eyes like human eyes in this horn, and there was a mouth speaking arrogantly." Dan. 7:7, 8. Yes, Great Britain's hour came; they became the new 'king of the south'. In time forming a close partnership with the United States of America-- a dominant economic power. "During World War I, the United States and Britain were welded into a powerful military alliance." The Anglo-American World Power. As Daniel foresaw, this king amassed “an exceedingly large and mighty army.” Throughout the last days, the Anglo-American alliance has been the king of the south in a struggle to defend its reign against 'the king of the north' in a decided pushing to world domination violently claim... Yes, this "king will do as he pleases, and he will exalt himself and magnify himself above every god; and against the God of gods he will speak astonishing things. And he will prove successful until the denunciation comes to a finish; because what is determined must take place. He will show no regard for the God of his fathers; nor will he show regard for the desire of women or for any other god, but he will magnify himself over everyone. But instead he will give glory to the god of fortresses; to a god that his fathers did not know he will give glory by means of gold and silver and precious stones and desirable things. He will act effectively against the most fortified strongholds, along with a foreign god. He will give great glory to those who give him recognition, and he will make them rule among many; and the ground he will apportion out for a price.' Dan. 11:36-39. Only in one act of compromise taking anyone's advice: “And they will put in place the disgusting thing that causes desolation." Dan. 11:31. Atheism the destination for all future nations... However, when fighting against the God of all Creation One must think twice: "For there is no future for anyone evil; The lamp of the wicked will be extinguished. My son, fear Jehovah and the king.--(Christ.) And do not associate with dissenters, For their disaster will arise suddenly. Who knows what ruin both will bring upon them? Prov. 24:20-22.

The Anglo-American World Power in Bible Prophecy The king of the south, the Anglo-American World Power, is depicted in a number of different ways in various Bible prophecies. It is described as . . .the feet of iron and clay (Dan. 2:41-43) a horn that grew from the head of a fearsome beast (Dan. 7:7, 8) the seventh head of the wild beast (Rev. 13:1) the two-horned beast (Rev. 13:11-15) “the false prophet” (Rev. 19:20) © 18 minutes ago, Lucretia McCloud teen society sad hope


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