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Don't Give It To Me Straight! -- Yes: Promised: 'No More War'

Don't Give It To Me Straight! -- Yes: Promised: 'No More War' 'No More Hate!' A statement each individual needs to make and keep. "Take firm hold of the hope set before us."... For it earnestly seek. For, "Jesus said to him (Peter, for all Christians sake): “Return your sword to its place, for all those who take up the sword will perish by the sword." Peace seeking is never a mistake. Since promised: "For look! I am creating new heavens and a new earth; And the former things will not be called to mind, Nor will they come up into the heart." Our Creator did state. No more headlines regarding shootings, war, fires, and other global tragedies will future mankind be forced to relate. So please grab hold of 'faith' before it's too late! Let me reiterate: "They will sit, each one under his vine and under his fig tree, And no one will make them afraid, For the mouth of Jehovah of armies has spoken." Yes envision fulfillment of these lovely faith-inducing prophecies: "No more will there be heard in her the sound of weeping or a cry of distress.”... I must confess, that of ancient Jerusalem these words were first penned. Then also for our day foreseen: "They will not toil for nothing, Nor will they bear children for distress". For: "In the final part of the days, The mountain of the house of Jehovah Will become firmly established above the top of the mountains, And it will be raised up above the hills, And to it all the nations will stream. And many peoples will go and say: “Come, let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, To the house of the God of Jacob. He will instruct us about his ways, And we will walk in his paths.” For law will go out of Zion, And the word of Jehovah out of Jerusalem." (Spiritual Israel, no longer literal, here to date.) "He will render judgment among the nations And set matters straight respecting many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares And their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, Nor will they learn war anymore." And let us not forget: "In his days the righteous will flourish, And peace will abound until the moon is no more." "For as the earth brings forth its sprouts And as the garden makes what is sown in it sprout, So will the Sovereign Lord Jehovah Cause righteousness and praise to sprout before all the nations." Have we seen this internationally fulfilled as of yet? Matt. 26:52; Micah 4:4; Heb. 618; Isa. 2:1-4. Ps. 72:7; Is a. 61:11. We have this hope . . . , both sure and firm.​—Heb. 6:19. Our Kingdom hope serves “as an anchor for the soul,” giving us stability despite challenging circumstances or anxious thoughts. Meditate on Jehovah’s promise of a future in which negative thoughts will be gone. (Isa. 65:17) Picture yourself in the peaceful new world, where distressing situations will no longer exist. (Mic. 4:4) You will also strengthen your hope as you share it with others. Do all you can in the preaching and disciple-making work. If you do, you can “have the full assurance of the hope down to the end.” (Heb. 6:11) As this system of things comes to its end, we will experience more challenges that could produce anxious thoughts. We will be able to face those challenges and remain calm, not in our own strength, but through our trust in Jehovah. Let us show by our actions that we have faith in Jehovah’s promise: “Your strength will be in keeping calm and showing trust.”​—Isa. 30:15. w21.01 7 ¶17-18 Photo credits: © 25 minutes ago, Lucretia McCloud teen death hope love pain sad


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