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Embrace It

Embrace It In this age, this day of varied, swift change, of 'flippant' phrases on which 'hopeless' do hang-- as a saying: 'Peace and Security!' boggles the brain for wars aplenty rumble our terrain and blood flows freely to consciences stain, on whose words that hoover over national plains should we 'hold' as a banner of 'truth' to wave, to blow, to steady our anxious care with 'answers' to 'know'? Is 'real' or 'true' to be found every or anywhere although tongues waggle without wisdom promptly and wickedly in a hurry to share? Should we 'throw' in our 'free-will' with those whose 'fortunes' grow as 'jargon' incomprehensible in small print slows down 'reprehensible'? 'Slander' and 'libel'-- legal terms to only a few without 'deep pockets' defendable, are only verbal 'shadows' through which the supposedly 'unreachable' 'tiptoe'. Running legally scared by 'bars' or financial ruin dependable as a 'future' shown to those 'ignorant' 'poor ones' expendable; to herd them into a 'justice' forego. Lamentable this crippling situation. So. Honesty's not really taught as the way-to-go. Regrettable. Yet! Exists 'truth'--Uncontestable! Though once buried by those who promised to 'teach' it. Preach it. On mountain tops. In city streets. On rural lands. For 'all' who 'reach' for it. It has been unveiled to hearts and minds once living 'unaware'. 'Unintentional'. But who now 'beseech' for it. Unidirectional. For it calms us. It soothes us. Banishes this dense darkness which confuses, tumbles and stumbles those overreached by it. But promised 'impeachment' to those who besmirched His reputation and 'name'. Yes, through selfish acts sought to tarnish and extradite it. To his sovereignty and honor shame. Vindication will suddenly come! His 'Theocracy' to the universe 'reclaim'! Hold up your heads! Raise up your hands! Support 'God's Kingdom' government with Christ as King! Become of 'wickedness' ashamed. For loyal love Jesus and his Father, Jehovah have shown us! His 'ransom' blood for forgiveness of our sins Paid for it! So can we be happy and appreciative Pray for it and Meditate upon it? Internationally--Can we sincerely Embrace it? Promptly--For yourselves, It Claim... *** “You must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth." Matt. 6:9, 10.

What Is the Kingdom of God? The Bible’s answer God’s Kingdom is a real government established by Jehovah God. “The kingdom of God” is also called “the kingdom of heaven” in the Bible, since it rules from heaven. (Mark 1:14, 15; Matthew 4:17, King James Version) It shares many attributes of human governments, yet it is superior to them in every way.

  • Rulers. God has appointed Jesus Christ as King of the Kingdom and has given him more authority than any human ruler could ever have. (Matthew 28:18) Jesus uses this power only for good, since he has already proved to be a reliable and compassionate Leader. (Matthew 4:23; Mark 1:40, 41; 6:31-34; Luke 7:11-17) Under God’s direction, Jesus has selected persons from all nations who will “rule as kings over the earth” with him in heaven.—Revelation 5:9, 10.

  • Duration. Unlike human governments, which come and go, God’s Kingdom “will never be brought to ruin.”—Daniel 2:44.

  • Subjects. Anyone who does what God requires can be a subject of God’s Kingdom, without regard for ancestry or birthplace.—Acts 10:34, 35.

  • Laws. The laws (or commandments) of God’s Kingdom do more than just prohibit wrong behavior. They raise the moral character of its subjects. For example, the Bible says: “‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. The second, like it, is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Matthew 22:37-39) Love of God and neighbor moves subjects of the Kingdom to act in the best interests of others.

  • Education. While God’s Kingdom sets high standards for its subjects, it also teaches people how to meet those standards.—Isaiah 48:17, 18.

  • Mission. The Kingdom of God doesn’t enrich its rulers at the expense of its subjects. Instead, it will accomplish God’s will, including the promise that those who love him will live forever on a paradise earth.—Isaiah 35:1, 5, 6; Matthew 6:10; Revelation 21:1-4.

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