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Enjoy Life Forever?

Enjoy Life Forever? Cycles of seasons personally seen everlastingly by awestruck eyes traversing beauteous scenes of snowcapped mountains, rushing rapids, luscious falls, and valleys green? Your answer: Yes? No? Maybe--as in in-between? Or does someone seek to 'pull our legs' to sadly deceive in a mean extreme? This wondrous promise one can believe: “The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it.”​ Ps. 37:29. On words like these one's 'faith' can lean... Now close your eyes to this vision conceive of our Creator's promise of a 'happy' future of endless springs with friends and family forever 'youthful' beings: “‘For I well know the thoughts that I am thinking toward you,’ declares Jehovah, ‘thoughts of peace, and not of calamity, to give you a future and a hope." Jer. 29:11. "The meek will eat and be satisfied; Those seeking Jehovah will praise him. May you enjoy life forever." Ps. 22:26. Whom did you picture? What do you glean? Did you ask yourself: Why does this not sound familiar? Is this 'Christianity? What does it mean? Stay tuned for fulfilled prophesy; attuned about why this world appears to be spun like a top unleased by an invisible hand holding a once taut string wobbling to perceived destruction immediately...To Be Continued...


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