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Esther or Eve; Mordecai or Adam

Esther or Eve; Mordecai or Adam "There was great mourning among the Jews, and fasting and weeping and wailing. Sackcloth and ashes themselves came to be spread out as a couch for many. And Esther’s young women and her eunuchs began to come in and tell her. And the queen was very much pained. Then she sent garments to clothe Morʹde·cai and to remove his sackcloth off him. And he did not accept them." Esther 4:3, 4. *** Yet, Eve ate of the fruit. Can you tell me why when promised this fact:} You will surely die!? Why did she not believe 'Truth?... But chose the 'lie'? "The woman was thoroughly deceived". She believed Satan. Putting more trust in him than her husband or Jah. Curiosity. Thinking herself intelligent enough like when young children are free alone on their own... Then suddenly-- A tragedy! Instead, could she not have said: “Who are you? I know my Father, Jehovah, whom I love and trust. Everything we have He has given us-- Adam and me. How dare you say anything bad about my Father? Go away! Snakes don't talk” But she was swayed. Let selfishness in. Sadly Disobeyed. When staunchly away she could have walked... To imperfection and death Adam was willingly led... Since: "Adam was formed first, then Eve. Also, Adam was not deceived," was appointed her head. However, this was not 'The End' for their future progeny-- “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life." That's right! A chance for eternity! "Whoever exercises faith in him is not to be judged. Whoever does not exercise faith has been judged already, because he has not exercised faith in the name of the only-begotten Son of God. Now this is the basis for judgment: that the light has come into the world, but men have loved the darkness rather than the light, for their works were wicked. For whoever practices vile things hates the light and does not come to the light, so that his works may not be reproved. But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that his works may be made manifest as having been done in harmony with God.” John 3:16, 18-21. Therefore, we have a choice as to what we will do... Following Esther's good example can help us choose for after Mordecai's wise advice to eliminate her confusion good did result in her life not to lose: “Do not imagine within your own soul that the king’s household will escape any more than all the other Jews. For if you are altogether silent at this time, relief and deliverance themselves will stand up for the Jews from another place; but as for you and your father’s house, YOU people will perish. And who is there knowing whether it is for a time like this that you have attained to royal dignity?”" To prevent these people from being eternally erased. "Accordingly Esther said to reply to Morʹde·cai: “Go, gather all the Jews that are to be found in Shuʹshan and fast in my behalf and neither eat nor drink for three days, night and day. I too with my young women, I shall fast likewise, and upon that I shall come in to the king, which is not according to the law; and in case I must perish, I must perish.”" She was strengthened. With courage imbued. "At this Morʹde·cai passed along and proceeded to do according to all that Esther had laid in command upon him." Esther 4:13-17. Which man or woman will we imitate in this time of utter peril? Remember: "Trembling at men is what lays a snare, but he that is trusting in Jehovah will be protected." Prov. 29:25. If now, before 'Jehovah's Day' we 'love what is good' and from a practice of wicked acts we refuse... "Hate what is bad, and love what is good, Let justice prevail in the city gate. It may be that Jehovah the God of armies Will show favor to"... You. Amos 5:15. 1 Tim. 2:14. Many will be made righteous.​—Rom. 5:19. Adam and Eve deliberately disobeyed God, so they deserved to be disinherited by him. But what of their offspring? Jehovah lovingly made a provision for deserving ones among them to be adopted into his family. He did this by means of the sacrifice of his only-begotten Son. (John 3:16) As a result of Jesus’ sacrifice, 144,000 integrity-keeping humans are adopted as God’s sons. (Rom. 8:15-17; Rev. 14:1) Additionally, untold millions of other faithful ones are obediently doing God’s will. They have the prospect of full membership in God’s family after the final test at the end of the Millennium. (Ps. 25:14; Rom. 8:20, 21) Even now they address Jehovah, their Creator, as “Father.” (Matt. 6:9) Resurrected ones too will be given the opportunity to learn what Jehovah expects of them. Those who respond well to his direction will eventually also become members of his family. Photo credits: © 36 mins ago, Lucretia McCloud teen love hope death christian society


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