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'Give Jehovah His Due'

'Give Jehovah His Due' "The Rock, perfect is his activity, For all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness who is never unjust; Righteous and upright is he." Deut. 32:4. *** "Jehovah will shatter those fighting against him; He will thunder against them from the heavens. Jehovah will judge to the ends of the earth, He will give power to his king And exalt the horn of his anointed one.” 1 Sam. 2:10. Yes: "he has set a day on which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and he has provided a guarantee to all men by resurrecting him from the dead.” Acts 17:31. "Honor the son, or God will become indignant And you will perish from the way, For His anger flares up quickly. Happy are all those taking refuge in Him." Ps. 2:12. "Have you entered the storehouses of the snow, Or have you seen the storehouses of the hail, Which I have reserved for the time of distress, For the day of battle and war?" Job 38:22, 23. "Jehovah will make his majestic voice heard And reveal his arm as it descends in the heat of anger, With the flame of a consuming fire, A cloudburst and a thunderstorm and hailstones." Isa. 30:30. Yes, as done in the past upon nations crass: "Then Jehovah began to thunder in the heavens; The Most High made his voice heard With hailstones and fiery coals." Ps. 18:13. "There was hail, and there was fire flashing in the midst of the hail. It was very heavy; there had never been any like it in the land since Egypt had become a nation."Ex. 9:24. “Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: ‘I will cause powerful windstorms to burst forth in my wrath, and a torrential downpour in my anger, and hailstones in destructive fury." Ezek. 13:13. "Then great hailstones, each about the weight of a talent, fell from heaven on the people, and the people blasphemed God because of the plague of hail, for the plague was unusually great." Rev. 16:21. *** "Sing to Jehovah a new song. Sing to Jehovah, all the earth! Sing to Jehovah; praise his name. Proclaim the good news of his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, His wonderful works among all the peoples. Jehovah is great and most worthy of praise. He is more awe-inspiring than all other gods. All the gods of the peoples are worthless gods, But Jehovah is the one who made the heavens. In his presence are majesty and splendor; Strength and beauty are in his sanctuary. Give Jehovah his due, you families of the peoples, Give Jehovah his due for his glory and strength. Give Jehovah the glory due his name; Bring a gift and come into his courtyards. Bow down to Jehovah in holy adornment; Tremble before him, all the earth!" Ps. 96:1-9. *** "Every metalworker will be put to shame because of the carved image; For his metal image is a falsehood, And there is no spirit in them." Jer. 10:14. "They will be turned back and will be utterly put to shame, Those who trust in carved images, Those who say to metal statues: “You are our gods.”" Isa. 42:17 "Look! All his associates will be put to shame! The craftsmen are mere humans. Let them all assemble and take their stand. They will be terrified and be put to shame together." Isa. 44:11. *** "When the Phi·lisʹtines captured the Ark of the true God, they brought it from Eb·en·eʹzer to Ashʹdod. The Phi·lisʹtines took the Ark of the true God and brought it into the house of Daʹgon and set it beside Daʹgon. When the Ashʹdod·ites got up early the next day, there was Daʹgon fallen facedown on the ground before the Ark of Jehovah. So they took Daʹgon and returned him to his place. When they got up early in the morning on the following day, there was Daʹgon fallen facedown on the ground before the Ark of Jehovah. The head of Daʹgon and the palms of both his hands were cut off and were lying on the threshold. Only the fish part had been left intact." "The hand of Jehovah was heavy against the Ashʹdod·ites, and he devastated them by striking Ashʹdod and its territories with piles. When the men of Ashʹdod saw what was happening, they said: “Do not let the Ark of the God of Israel remain with us, for his hand has dealt harshly with us and our god Daʹgon.”" 1 Sam 5:1-5, 7. (Does God Approve the Use of Images in Worship? God is invisible. So how can we feel close to a God whom we cannot see? Wouldn't it help if we venerated physical objects as a means to feel closer to God? Truly?... ) *** "Declare among the nations: “Jehovah has become King! The earth is firmly established, it cannot be moved. He will judge the peoples fairly.” Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be joyful; Let the sea thunder and all that fills it; Let the fields and everything in them rejoice. At the same time let all the trees of the forest shout joyfully Before Jehovah, for he is coming, He is coming to judge the earth. He will judge the inhabited earth with righteousness And the peoples with his faithfulness." Ps. 96:10-13.

KEEP ON THE WATCH! Worshipping Images—What Does the Bible Say? © 15 mins ago, Lucretia McCloud hope love rhyme sad society teen


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