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'Grow Mighty'

'Grow Mighty' "You were called to freedom, brothers; only do not use this freedom as an opportunity to pursue fleshly desires, but through love slave for one another." Gal. 5:13. *** "You were running well. Who hindered you from continuing to obey the truth?" Gal. 5:7. "Stand firm, and do not let yourselves be confined again in a yoke of slavery." Gal. 5:1. *** Since: A global cleansing, you know, is headed our way like a tsunami, except selective... And remember, survivors are promised by the end of that day. Because: "Jehovah knows how to rescue people of godly devotion out of trial, but to reserve unrighteous people to be destroyed on the day of judgment, especially those who seek to defile the flesh of others and who despise authority." 2 Pet. 2:9, 10. But, as you recall, tragically, individually, destruction will a majority slay for disloyally siding against our Maker and Christ Jesus who provided a marvelous ransom for 'obedient' mankind. By a 'spirit of the world' they chose to be sadly swayed: "But according to your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath and of the revealing of God’s righteous judgment." Rom. 2:5. Yes, "there also came to be false prophets among the people, as there will also be false teachers among you. These will quietly bring in destructive sects, and they will even disown the owner who bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves. Furthermore, many will follow their brazen conduct, and because of them the way of the truth will be spoken of abusively. Also, they will greedily exploit you with counterfeit words. But their judgment, decided long ago, is not moving slowly, and their destruction is not sleeping" 2 Pet. 2:1-3. For: "These are waterless springs and mists driven by a violent storm, and the blackest darkness has been reserved for them. They make high-sounding statements that are empty. By appealing to the desires of the flesh and with acts of brazen conduct, they entice people who have just escaped from those who live in error. While they are promising them freedom, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for if anyone is overcome by someone, he is his slave." 2 Pet. 2:17-19. *** So: "Be as free people, using your freedom, not as a cover for doing wrong, but as slaves of God." 1 Pet. 2:16. "Stay awake, stand firm in the faith, carry on in a manly way, grow mighty." 1 Cor. 16:13. They all abandoned him and fled.​—Mark 14:50. How did Jesus treat his apostles when they were temporarily in a weakened condition? Shortly after his resurrection, Jesus told some of his followers: “Have no fear! Go, report to my brothers [that I was raised].” (Matt. 28:10a) Jesus did not give up on his apostles. Even though they had abandoned him, he still called them “my brothers.” Like Jehovah, Jesus was merciful and forgiving. (2 Ki. 13:23) Likewise, we have deep concern for those who have stopped sharing in the ministry. They are our brothers and sisters, and we love them! We still remember the labors of love that those fellow believers performed in the past​—some perhaps for decades. (Heb. 6:10) We truly miss them! (Luke 15:4-7) So encourage inactive ones to attend the congregation meetings. And when an inactive one arrives at the Kingdom Hall, we should take the initiative by warmly welcoming him. © 27 minutes ago, Lucretia McCloud sad society pain spiritual teen family


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