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Hope Renewed

As each night approaches

my hope goes through changes.

Shadows ensue.

My faith it pursues.

Saddened I become.

For my confidence proceeds to falter.

Since felt delayed

a particular hope.

"Expectation postponed makes the heart sick,

But a desire realized

is a tree of life". Pro. 13:12.

To impatience I imperfectly

succumb. Wrestling everyday to stay positive and strong

before onlookers of my fate.

Why must I endure this humiliation,

inwardly I ask;

although, I've found myself protected

to complete this arduous task

which years ago began

to today last.

But again I survived

through the night.

In Jah's love I do bask.

To Him I too, as Daniel, am desirable.

To Him I am alright.

Although not sure which direction His will

will take me to accomplish his purpose.

To demonstrate His authoritative rights

before those posturing.

"Because sentence against a bad deed

has not been executed speedily,

the heart of men becomes emboldened to do bad." Eccl. 8:11.

An end to my life

needed to bring about a necessary result

to a web long ago constructed

victims to ensnare?

Particularly of a sort,


"O who, of them, would anyone care?"

Why its best not to isolate oneself

even if you feel that mankind finds you unfit.

An aberration. A hindrance. A blight.

From society

do not quit.

Counseled: "Whoever isolates himself

pursues his own selfish desires; He rejects all practical wisdom." Pro. 18:4


"Not one of us, in fact, lives with regard to himself only,

and no one dies with regard to himself only." Rom. 14:7.

Happy I am

to arise before dusk

to watch again a sunrise

before my sight splendid

while thinking upon others in a similar plight.

More compassionate I'm becoming.

I know my might is not sufficient

to continue this mental and physical exhausting

daily fight.

Therefore, scriptures and prayers

I digest greedily


even more so

to feed my hope

in morning and afternoon light.

Yes, faith cultivated in the past...


that these difficulties too shall pass

based upon Jah's deliverences

personally to me done

cause me to know

that in the future

He will not me shun.

So I write.

And write some more.

Today exploring hope

my future to secure.

Remembering this account:

“In a certain city there was a judge

who had no fear of God

and no respect for man.

There was also a widow in that city who kept going to him and saying, ‘See that I get justice from my legal opponent.’

Well, for a while he was unwilling, but afterward he said to himself, ‘Although I do not fear God or respect any man, because this widow keeps making me trouble, I will see that she gets justice so that she will not keep coming and wearing me out with her demand.’”

Then the Lord said: “Hear what the judge,

although unrighteous, said!

Certainly, then, will not God cause justice to be done for his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night, while he is patient toward them?

I tell you, he will cause justice to be done to them speedily.

Nevertheless, when the Son of man arrives,

will he really find this faith on the earth?” Luke 18:2-8.

While my life is not guaranteed

until even later to endure

I'll use my moments wisely

praying incessantly to maintain my integrity.

For although death is an enemy

Of death I am not afraid.


the 'how'

sometimes gets to me.

But, of even this I pray.

For in Jah's hand,

through Christ's ransom

My hope is laid.

Paul, once Saul, an insolent man

to the Romans said:

"But if we hope for what we do not see,

we keep eagerly waiting for it with endurance." Romans 8:25.


because of Jesus' sacrifice

we have this assurance.

For, "hope that is seen

is not hope,

for when a man sees a thing,

does he hope for it?"

VS. 24.



Jesus Will End Crime

Jesus knows what it means to suffer because of crime and injustice. He was falsely accused, unlawfully beaten, unjustly tried, wrongfully convicted, and painfully executed. Though innocent, he willingly and unselfishly sacrificed “his life as a ransom in exchange for many.” (Matthew 20:28; John 15:13) Now, as King of God’s Kingdom, he will soon bring justice throughout the earth, ending crime once and for all.—Isaiah 42:3.

Tempering Justice with Mercy


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