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If You Fall One found curled tight into a frightened ball under a thorny bed/bush of adversity, overlooked up top a snowy mountain peak shaken/shook frozen in a heart weak/weary as this one peeks through a cracked attic window while a cold wind whistled; although a dove cooed nearby under a eave of this one's sagging roof. Then there's one anxious with feet pounding slick pavement in a tragic rush from a limo or chased bus. Hush. Be still. Listen. I heard you when you said: “My foot is slipping,” then you beautifully recalled: "Your loyal love, O Jehovah, kept supporting me." Ps. 94:18. Yes. Did I not catch you when you almost fell? I'll catch you if you fall... *** "Like a shepherd he will care for his flock. With his arm he will gather together the lambs, And in his bosom he will carry them. He will gently lead those nursing their young." Isa. 40:11. *** "He gives power to the tired one and full might to those lacking strength." Isa. 40:29. *** “‘Look! I am coming quickly, and the reward I give is with me, to repay each one according to his work." Rev. 22:12.

Can I Find Words of Comfort in the Bible? I will say to Jehovah: “You are my refuge and my stronghold.”​—Ps. 91:2. Moses used a similar word picture about a refuge. (Ps. 90:1, ftn.) Moreover, toward the end of his life, Moses called attention to a heartwarming detail. He wrote: “God is a refuge from ancient times, his everlasting arms are beneath you.” (Deut. 33:27) What does the phrase “his everlasting arms are beneath you” tell us about Jehovah? When Jehovah is our Refuge, we feel secure. Still, there may be days when we are down and struggle to get up. At such times, what will Jehovah do for us? (Ps. 136:23) He will put his arms beneath us, gently lift us up, and help us to get back on our feet. (Ps. 28:9; 94:18) Knowing that we can always count on God’s support helps us to remember that we are blessed in two ways. First, we have a secure place of refuge no matter where we live. Second, our loving heavenly Father deeply cares for us. w21.11 6 ¶15-16

Photo credits: © 5 mins ago, Lucretia McCloud christian hope love spiritual teen


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