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Marching On. . . 21st Century Love During a Time of Violence: Wayne & Sabrina (12)

Marching On. . . 21st Century Love During a Time of Violence: Wayne & Sabrina (12) As she did often as a young teen hidden behind sheers on a window seat with her image mirrored back in tragic sheen because of rainy darkness against its cool pane her forehead did lean as she reread words written about Wayne that in reality she didn't always mean. Although, today as she rubbed her growing belly she wondered whether her decisions were actually based upon a foolish heart rather than wisdom gleaned: Through Stitches where will I end after tripping on this spin between black anger then love bouncing me wrong back to you again my heart head hazy crazy within when will it stop pulsating drip drop heartbeats not flipping-to-flop with questions brutal not cropped heat comes till it goes just appears when it knows as harsh winter with snow flakes bitter wet as they blow then spring peaks brief around birds singing sweet sounds still no laughter for clowns and no liquor to drown so today I'll begin to finish this circling trend of reality's pretend true love to vigorously defend my search still rolling me forward you tossed as brash trash upon emotion's highway whipping my ride now safe and sound round its wondrous bends *** A morning sun began to peak over houses scattered across her street. She put down her journal then began to seek a higher mind; into his Word to more than peek to eliminate a haze of late. To grant her strength. For she felt weak. So through her tablet she did scroll for wisdom for an eternity was her goal: "There is gold, also much coral, But the lips of knowledge are something precious." Prov. 20:15. "The law that you have proclaimed is good for me, More so than thousands of pieces of gold and silver." Ps. 119:72. "Happy is the man who finds wisdom And the man who acquires discernment; To gain it is better than gaining silver, And having it as profit is better than having gold. It is more precious than corals; Nothing you desire can compare to it." Prov. 3:13-15. "They are more desirable than gold, Than much fine gold, And sweeter than honey, the honey that drips from the combs." Ps. 19:10. "It cannot be bought with pure gold; Nor can silver be weighed out in exchange for it." Job 28:15. "Coral and crystal are not worthy of mention, For a bagful of wisdom is worth more than one full of pearls." Job 28:18. *** "The law of Jehovah is perfect, restoring strength. The reminder of Jehovah is trustworthy, making the inexperienced one wise." Ps. 19:7. *** With gained strength of eagle's wings Sabrina did rise for loving words from her Father comprised enabled her to realize that you live one day at a time, but have in mind a goal or purpose to attain. Then peaks and valleys through one's life you can endure without disdain... *** "A man may plot out his course in his heart, But it is Jehovah who directs his steps.' *** "I take the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you today that I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the curse; and you must choose life so that you may live, you and your descendants, by loving Jehovah your God, by listening to his voice, and by sticking to him, for he is your life and by him you will endure a long time in" this land. Deut. 30:19, 20. "The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it." Ps. 37:29. *** "Now if it seems bad to you to serve Jehovah, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve". Joshua 24:15... To Be Cont'd.


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