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Marching On. . . 21st Century Love During a Time of Violence: Wayne & Sabrina (15) 1st draft

<b>"O the depth of God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge!

How unsearchable his judgments are

and beyond tracing out his ways are!"</b> Rom. 11:33.


After Sabrina slowly closed their door

on her elder's visit inflating her spirit,

imbued with stronger faith and hope,

Her powers renewed,

Kim, her mom, from their warm kitchen,

it almost deflated as scriptures she animatedly

related with one hand supported on the counter

almost pounding about Wayne and his future.

What lies for him in store:

""Transgression speaks to the wicked one

deep within his heart;

There is no fear of God before his eyes.

For in his own eyes he flatters himself too much

To detect and hate his error.

The words of his mouth are hurtful and deceptive;

He shows no insight for doing what is good.

He plots hurtful schemes even on his bed.

He is set on a path that is not good;

He does not reject what is bad." Ps. 36:1-4.

"That is how it will be in the conclusion of the system of things.

The angels will go out and separate the wicked from among the righteous and will cast them into the fiery furnace.

There is where their weeping and the gnashing of their teeth will be." Matt. 13:49, 50... Eternal destruction... forevermore."* Kim said.

Rocked Sabrina

who'd thought to join her mother

at first,

but she spun on her heals

and headed back upstairs instead.

She knew not whether Wayne was wicked

or weak. What was in his heart

after his father's manipulations

and bad associations him misled.

She only knew that prayer and holy spirit

can do their part.

And she did know that Jehovah reads motives

and intentions like King Manasseh

who caused many to lose their lives.

Yet, he reconsidered his actions when jailed.

This time to reflect

instilled in him a necessity

to soften Jah's face to forgive him.

Sabrina prayed that this would be

the way of Wayne--her familial head.

Truly their existed a way

to lead him back to the light

after his faltering in this world's dark... To Be Cont'd


<b>"Continue showing your loyal love to those who know you,

And your righteousness, to the upright in heart."</b> Ps. 36:10.


<a href=""></a>

As Crocus Sativus 'Cultivate' Hope

"Keep in expectation of it!

For it will without fail come true."​ Hab. 2:3.


I held inside

my dueling heart

a vision kept

to help 'jumpstart'

a lagging, dragging, slack

on <i>my</i>

imperfect part...

Since during storms

or 'just being'

on a steep incline

I stalled, stuttered, began to mutter and complain

because of a journey 'long'

a 'hope' difficult to attain

sometimes felt lost

or 'out-of-control'

in fast decline...

This is true

when black comes before blue

in actions, words,

even in thoughts too

when 'read' wrong

or seen

things not pleasing

to Him of 'holy'.


to be pushed away

in utmost disdain

not cherished as if esteemed

or precious

into our deep caverns

<i>as 'gems'



"‘I know your deeds,

that you are neither cold

nor hot.

I wish you were cold or else hot.

So because you are lukewarm

and neither hot nor cold,

I am going to vomit you out of my mouth." Rev. 3:15, 16.


No, that will not be my way...

I will stay in expectation

of a glorious day!... "The wilderness and the parched land will exult,

And the desert plain will be joyful

and blossom as the saffron." Isa. 35:1.

Crocus sativus

which flowers in the fall

with each blossom

cradling three--as in emphasis

of ardor,


threadlike stigmas

<i>not of disgrace</i>

in its core...

This bloom beautiful

full of grace. Needing to be explored

since priceless

can be

its worth.

*Does God Punish People in Hellfire?: <a href=""></a>

BIBLE VERSES EXPLAINED 1 Corinthians 10:13—“God Is Faithful” By this all will know that you are my disciples​—if you have love among yourselves.​—John 13:35. Today, Jehovah’s Witnesses enjoy a loving unity on a global scale. Like no other organization, our close-knit brotherhood rises above national, racial, and social boundaries. We see evidence of genuine love at our meetings, assemblies, and conventions. That evidence strengthens our conviction that our form of worship is the one approved by Jehovah. (John 13:34) The Scriptures urge us to “have intense love for one another.” (1 Pet. 4:8) One way we show such love is by forgiving one another and putting up with one another’s imperfections. We also look for opportunities to be generous and hospitable to all in the congregation, even to those who may have offended us. (Col. 3:12-14) Such a loving bond is truly the foremost identifying mark of true Christians. w21.10 22 ¶13-14 Photo credits: © 1 hour ago, Lucretia McCloud teen love hope family friendship christian


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