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Marching On. . . 21st Century Love During a Time of Violence: Wayne & Sabrina (2)

Marching On. . . 21st Century Love During a Time of Violence: Wayne & Sabrina (2) So sweet, so bitter this taste of love upon my lips. I sing to soften as gentle rain, a storm that pummels. In exquisite pain a wren, no dove as she to he-- though a servant forever grateful be. His touch a pleasure; eyes heaven divine. How will I measure Beth's form so fine? Can he hear from deep in this well I call 'my soul' this fear I feel? This lust so bold? His wife I am. His slave, though free. Lord, let him see I too am a woman of refined qualities. *** As she finely chopped yellow onion, and fresh garlic, in preparation for a Vietnamese beef stew (Pho bo sot vang)--a hearty and comforting noodle soup, Sabrina's mom, Kim, felt duped. Wondered, why did I not see this possibility?--Sabrina's return to roost because of a separation between Wayne and she... Kim would have made some mental preparation to aid Sabrina to see men's actions in marriage are often of infidelity; even if in seduction they were sadly took. For surely this must be why Sabrina's shoulders droop like her eye's once lit from within with joy and endless possibility... Kim touched Sabrina's shoulder gently as she walked by to refill her cup of tea, willing her to speak without stooping to pry into this sudden mystery as embers in the kitchen's fireplace Kim shook to create an atmosphere of camaraderie many years ago materialistically overlooked. Now with their mother and daughter bond tightening in time by love driven and a misunderstood past thoroughly forgiven, Kim now fights for her daughter's continued tranquility and desires that she gain wisdom for a future of peace and ease of mind eternally provided for any of obedient humankind. For even she, Kim of past sordid iniquities, still had secrets into which Sabrina would desire to peek. Cai, Kim's sister, Sabrina's distant aunt knew also Kim's husband inspiring Kim's vengeful anger and jealousy. Past mistakes and relationships still difficult to mercifully overlook. Kim did wish that she had access to knowledge Sabrina has today, which would have resulted in more familial happiness providing an environment making it difficult to stray... Yes, on this and other subjects, the bible has much practical wisdom to dispense for guidance along life's pathway...To Be Cont'd Marriage and Family: The word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword . . . and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart.​—Heb. 4:12. We can develop the right attitude about our circumstances by meditating on God’s Word. Consider how the Bible benefited a grieving widow. An elder suggested that she could learn helpful lessons from reading the book of Job. As she did, she was at first quick to criticize Job for his wrong thinking. In her imagination she warned him: “Job! Don’t be so negative!” But then she realized that her attitude had been very similar to that of Job. This helped her to readjust her viewpoint and strengthened her to cope with the pain of losing her husband. Another way that Jehovah strengthens Christians is by means of fellow worshippers. Paul wrote that he was longing to have “an interchange of encouragement” with his spiritual brothers and sisters.​—Rom. 1:11, 12. Photo credit: © 25 mins ago, Lucretia McCloud teen hope love society sad rhyme


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