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Marching On. . . 21st Century Love During a Time of Violence: Wayne & Sabrina (26)

Marching On. . . 21st Century Love During a Time of Violence: Wayne & Sabrina (26) Wayne found it difficult to stay inside his father's residence where Sabrina did no longer abide. He drove the highway sometimes at a reckless speed until his conscience about Sabrina and their baby forced him the law to heed... *** I Found Myself I found myself nowhere wishing I was somewhere distant with no idea not sure uncertain where over there far away would take me ?? Maybe I should ask for directions. Don't know. *** Coin Toss... or Not Flying spinning in sun, sleet, or rain tossed by a devil cloaked wise, though, insane. Heads--headed downward. Tails--trailing too. Still rushing the mud under somebody's shoe made by blood, urine, booze. Anyway you lose. Or cradled. The palm? A trusty hand. Never to fling you to randomly land. Since given a choice what coin would you be? Flung in the air. For a time, careless, and free? Trusting fate to control? Or, allow yourself security? Gratefully collected placed lovingly inside a grand treasury? Making decisions slaps chance in the face. A sensation worth an everlasting, joyful, peaceful pace! *** Sabrina's prayers in her family's behalf were not wasted upon a desert path. She had hope that soon all would say that salvation was theirs since they endured through that day... 'Rock of My Heart' "But those hoping in Jehovah will regain power. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary; They will walk and not tire out.”" Isa. 40:31. *** "Let me praise Jehovah;" with my life force--'soul' bequeathed me-- A living 'person'; with all my heart given energetically, in sincerity, 'worship' lovingly whole-souled... Yes: "Let everything within me praise his holy name." Let not my 'conduct' bring dishonor. Cause others to 'stumble'. To myself heap utter 'shame'. "Let me praise Jehovah; May I never forget all that he has done." From galactical creations mediating too upon personal victories, with your loving assistance, in sweet 'success' won. For: "He forgives all your errors And heals all your ailments; He reclaims your life from the pit". He gave his 'only-begotten' Son in this season of reminders. To our sins mercifully 'acquit': "Indeed, God does all these things Twice, three times, for a man, To bring him back from the pit, So that he may be enlightened with the light of life." Job 33:29, 30. Yes, He "crowns you with his loyal love and mercy." For this great 'loving-kindness' we dare not, in cowardice sadly 'quit': "Restore to me the joy of your salvation; Stir within me a willingness to obey you." Ps. 51:12. For: "Happy is the one whom you choose and bring near To reside in your courtyards." To your 'laws' and 'principles' in integrity adhere. "We will be satisfied with the goodness of your house, Your holy temple." Ps. 65:4. Whether visibly present in its 'holy' gates. Or physically distant, yet spiritually near... *** "My body and my heart may fail, But God is the rock of my heart and my portion forever." Ps. 73:26... To Be Cont'd Photo credits: © Sep 17, Lucretia McCloud christian death pain sad society teen


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