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Or, So It Seems

I dipped its weathered tip in blackest ink as morning sank red, purple, and blue,... a flash of pink while thoughts swirled in a whirlwind 'think' behind my mind's eye a rapid 'blink' envisioning an expansive reinvigorating scene... Begun centuries back spliced between tranquility and global war. Blown away peace. Scattered on a shattered track. Iron and clay moistened suddenly splattered flat... Though, contrived to re-figure mankind's form: Well-rounded. Flattering, phat. Around our globe hatred flung as in a sling although, also, spitefully to offenders... boomeranged. When first started... love was only seen. Offered in bountiful gardens displayed, among animals, and to human beings. Then a snake spoke bold. A liar, mean. Destroyed souls; from selfishness sprung. Then came a spring... A ransom won for humanity. Paid. Life for life given by generous means. Man to be again at peace with men and beast. I paint this picture to create a portrait of paradise. And a life of ease. This vision to relate: An end to horrendous travesty. Of races united. Singing in harmony. Of nations, one. In unity. A Sovereign Ruler and His appointed King. I began this trek, this dream dreamt so long ago. In joy to stream until today. Even still for it I pray. As years flew by like a gymnast's rainbowed ribbon whipping through stifling electrified air as a silken thread skillfully driven through periods of anxious scare even while beauteous beams of colored hues cause us to pause and give to beauty an appreciative stare until reality into our reveries bursts forth in screams... Or, so it seems... Yes... So it seems. But my purpose is joyously to state of eternity and of glorious life-giving springs. Of universal spirituality... The time has flown. Truth birthed strong wings to fly forth to now: The 'last days' of a wicked system of things.

Write a poem for contest Motivational Quote Prompt - AJW708 "If You Are Working On Something That You Really Care About, You Don’t Have To Be Pushed. The Vision Pulls You." ~Steve Jobs Write a poem based on this quote. What Is God's Kingdom? © 2 years ago, Lucretia McCloud christian death nature pain rhyme


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