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"Stand Still and See. . ."

'Stand Still and See. . .' (contest A Lone Black Knight; hero or sacrifice? - ViceKnightTA) Face-to-face--anxiety, a bit kept my heart racing. Still, I did not quit. Though, a mighty foe I stood facing. Memories flooded my mind of ancient battles unequal in quantity of soldiers. Thought by observers: Defeat. Immediate. Humiliation. Maybe you should consider--outracing... But they did not know of One providing them daily a spectacular show--a sun and a moon gracing our heavenly skies. The One whose name means: Causes to Become--Whatever Is Necessary. Jehovah of Armies you will not continue to eternally live if He you have come to thoroughly despise. *** "You will not need to fight this battle. Take your position, stand still, and see the salvation of Jehovah in your behalf." "Do not be afraid or be terrified." "Jehovah will be with you.’”" 2 Chron. 20:17.*


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