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'The True God'

"The true God

is the one who clothes me

with strength,

And he will make my way perfect." Prov. 18:32.

"The path of the righteous one

is upright.* (Or “level.”)

Because you are upright,

You will smooth out the course of the righteous." Isa. 26:7.

"Look! God is my salvation.

I will trust and feel no dread;

For Jah* Jehovah is my strength and my might,

And he has become my salvation.” Isa. 12:2.

Yes! Even "Israel will be saved by Jehovah

with an everlasting salvation.

You will not be put to shame or disgraced

for all eternity." Isa. 45:17.

"On that day

you will not be put to shame

Because of all your deeds

with which you rebelled against me,

For then I will remove the haughty boasters

from among you;

And you will never again be haughty

in my holy mountain." Zeph. 3:11.

"They will not cause any harm

Or any ruin in all my holy mountain,

Because the earth will certainly be filled

with the knowledge of Jehovah

As the waters cover the sea." Isa. 11:9.


"All the ends of the earth

will remember

and turn to Jehovah.

All the families of the nations

will bow down before you." Ps. 22:27.

"And Jehovah will be King

over all the earth.

In that day

Jehovah will be one,

and his name one." Zech. 14:9.

"May his glorious name be praised forever,

And may his glory fill the whole earth.

Amen and Amen." Ps. 72:19.


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