Transformed (contest 'Therefore, I urge you...' Rom. 12:1-2 70 Words)
"Wickedness, greed, and badness,
being full of envy, murder, strife,"
cloaked by darkness;
life precious.
Down this path chosen
a mind or heart mistakenly
'in control'.
Yet, called 'children of wrath'
makes a strong statement:
a belligerent soul.
But when we "quit
being fashioned
after this system"
to end soon;
clothe ourselves
in humility
a Holy Creator
He'll us befriend
after transformed:
warmth brotherly
from inhumanly cold.
Originally written here:
Jesus Will End Crime
Jesus knows what it means to suffer because of crime and injustice. He was falsely accused, unlawfully beaten, unjustly tried, wrongfully convicted, and painfully executed. Though innocent, he willingly and unselfishly sacrificed “his life as a ransom in exchange for many.” (Matthew 20:28; John 15:13) Now, as King of God’s Kingdom, he will soon bring justice throughout the earth, ending crime once and for all.—Isaiah 42:3.
We . . . gain life through him.—1 John 4:9.
In the late 19th century, a group of Bible students led by Charles Taze Russell began an intensive study of the Scriptures. They wanted to know the truth about the value of Jesus’ sacrifice and how his death should be commemorated. Today we benefit from their research. How so? Our eyes have been opened to the truth about Jesus’ sacrifice and what it accomplishes. (1 John 2:1, 2) We have also learned that the Bible holds out two hopes for humans who please God—immortal life in heaven for some and everlasting life on earth for others. We draw closer to Jehovah as we consider how much he loves us and how much we personally benefit from Jesus’ sacrifice. (1 Pet. 3:18) So like our faithful brothers of the past, we invite others to join us in observing the Memorial according to the pattern Jesus set.