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Words expounded as excavated gems,... polished to glimmer as light to a dark soul to shimmer within and lighten ones' mental load can weigh heavier than Mount Everest to sink 'hope' to a depth untold. "So how can mortal man be righteous before God, Or how can one born of a woman be innocent?" asked Bildad the Shuhite, of weary Job, bold. (Job 25:4.) As if a righteous standing before Jah is an impossible goal. Further words like these, which seize already dwindling energies, even insinuated, do Jehovah displease: "How much more so with those dwelling in houses of clay, Whose foundation is in the dust, Who are crushed as easily as a moth!" (Job 4:14.)... He did discouragingly, about imperfect humans, scathingly say. "How much less so mortal man, who is a maggot, And a son of man, who is a worm!” (Job 25:6.) Do not these sayings too make you wiggle and squirm?... Are we not taught that unkindness we must immediately unlearn?... Belittling slay? Imagine how too God's and Christ's insides must churn when 'truths' about Jehovah are twisted and turned. Causing the Father and Creator of everything to be despised and spurned. Thought 'dead' or 'not existent', when intelligence calls for acknowledgment of 'order' and 'design' bestowed upon even the simplest 'cell' of any creature made gloriously complex by divisions, trillions upon trillions, of duplicating or distinctive separating... which boggle inquisitive minds. Can we hear what Jah Jehovah said to Job's false comforters and learn? “My anger burns against you and your two companions, for you have not spoken the truth about me as my servant Job has. Now take seven bulls and seven rams and go to my servant Job, and offer up a burnt sacrifice for yourselves. And my servant Job will pray for you. I will surely accept his request not to deal with you according to your foolishness, for you have not spoken the truth about me as my servant Job has.” (Job 42:7, 8.) Lies and slander about our Father does not His favor or blessings earn. About falsities spun... "Why do you keep paying out money for what is not bread, And why spend your earnings for what brings no satisfaction? Listen intently to me, and eat what is good, And you will find great delight in what is truly rich." Isa. 55:2. Because: Rebellious "men are speaking abusively about all the things they really do not understand. And in all the things that they do understand by instinct like unreasoning animals, they go on corrupting themselves."... "These are the ones who cause divisions, animalistic men, not having spirituality." Jude 10, 19. So we must: "Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine. Abstain from every form of wickedness." 1 Thess. 5:21, 22. Then Everlasting Life Can Be... Our Prize: "This is why we are working hard and exerting ourselves, because we have rested our hope on a living God, who is a Savior of all sorts of men, especially of faithful ones." 1 Tim. 4:10.

Contest / Give me the Truth! by Jasables I'm tired of the liars and fakers! I want something real! You can tell me some truths about the world (anything educational I would love!), tell your personal stories (spill da tea, sis!), and make sure it has rhythm, but it doesn't nees to rhyme at all. Line length requirement: 10-20 Author comment required


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