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[ As a rising tsunami ] As a rising tsunami inside my breast swells churned up sediments from convoluted vices extracted, expelled from miles and miles past origins of bile upward and forward propelled... I choke. Been choking For awhile... Exhausted. Derailed. You watch. You smile... My friend? Exposed. My enemy. Unveiled. I inhale, exhale deeply many times... Your stench from envies my nose assailed... I Manage to stand up straight with help from hands and understanding extended from a real 'brotherhood' global... You yell: "Fool!" Thank you. I prevailed. Your unsympathetic gaze gave me courage. Did communicate-- Hatred. My life to save. Adios!... A path before me straight I must now take... Love. It does excel... Of Jah. Others. And of Myself... Brings J.O.Y. Divisiveness derails. *** “Go in through the narrow gate, because broad is the gate and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are going in through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are finding it." Matt. 7:13, 14. Breaking the Cycle of Hatred © 17 hours ago, Lucretia McCloud society sad rhyme pain teen friendship


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