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We March On. . . 21st Century Love During a Time of Violence: Wayne & Sabrina Chap. Forty-One Kim sent Sabrina home in the morning to try to sleep while she finished her shift. Her workload unfortunately in spilled blood steeped deep. While Wayne's condition secret she promised herself from Sabrina to keep until strong enough she Sabrina this hurtle to leap. Sabrina felt somehow that Kim wasn't confiding. That Wayne's situation must be grave. Kim's love for Sabrina concealing. Finding out true facts... no not from Kim to be revealing so as to protect Sabrina's heart from tragically dividing like a rupture suddenly from darkened skies striking lightning carving, crashing, hollowed out a cavern in rising rivers thrashing as thunder drowns out all wails and cries though echoing between gaps spread wide, dividing mere humans from bridging in love since walls are thought too high or slippery for bone weary whose aching fingers curled or frozen do not grasp these tasks horrendous with crumbling to no footholds small or large provided to aid in a fast or steady enough climb before totally lost in confusion a once stable sound mind. Why Sabrina wrote five years ago today words to help heal to again bind wounds with promises divine. 5 years after Sandy Hook, the victims have not been forgotten Words Kim searched for when her husband died to her remind. Although, Sabrina felt death's sting too, hopefully she'll not too soon these words for herself again renew though lately Sabrina shuffled about as if going blind: For These I Weep While My Precious, My Beautiful One SLEEPS, Shrouded In Such Blueness, Azure Blueness Of Sky; Of Sea, For Me?.... I Weep. * In Memory, My morning? Apples; Oranges; Watermelon— A Rainbow! Bountiful Fruitage Delicious! Till.... Past FRUITS SPEWED VIBRANT and VIOLENT In Bow! BURST Forth My Bounty Over The bow! A Sea SO Fierce— Terrifying!!! Through Black Moonless Night ENDLESS I Weep. * While My Precious, My Beautiful One SLEEPS, Shrouded In Such Blueness, Azure Blueness Of Sky; Of Sea, For Me?.... I KNEEL. * Before The Window Veiled Shadows, Whispers, Sighing— My world. My life? Limp; Listless like Tropical curse.... Sprue? Till.... Past PROMISES, PROCLAIMED— Even Reclaimed Bubbles and Bowl me Over! In Joy! BUOYS Forth My Heart; OVERJOYED! A Light, SO Bright— Frightening!!! Through Black Moonless Night ENDING? I Weep. Yes! For THESE I Weep. (Based on Lamentations chapter 3; Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10; Acts 24:15 and Mark 5:35-43) ... TO BE CONT'D The Dead Will Live Again![search_id]=4e60ebdd-1062-42c2-9b7b-adc587c6354a&insight[search_result_index]=1 © 13 mins ago, Lucretia McCloud death family hope love pain teen


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