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We March On. . . 21st Century Love During a Time of Violence: Wayne & Sabrina Chap. Seven

We March On. . . 21st Century Love During a Time of Violence: Wayne & Sabrina Chap. Seven <a href=""></a>

Left campus Sabrina late

arrived home

in time to only meditate

on final exam's still sketchy state

as just before entering her door

rain began

it thundered yes poured.

Goodbye Stress to Sleep Instantly with Heavy Rain & Thunder on Old Metal Roof in Rainforest at Night

<a href=""></a>

As she watched its magnificent display

knowing pure deadliness with one should not play

as bolt temperatures hotter than the sun's distant plain

plus shockwaves beaming

bouncing in various directions

to venture out in it is suicidal insane

a plan begins to formulate

inside her electrified brain.

Thought Sabrina

of life's necessity for nitrogen

and added questions

about other nature's origins:

"From what direction is light dispersed,

And from where does the east wind blow on the earth?

Who has cut a channel for the flood

And made a path for the thunderous storm cloud,

To make it rain where no man lives,

On the wilderness where there are no humans,

To satisfy devastated wastelands

And cause the grass to sprout?

Does the rain have a father,

Or who fathered the dewdrops?

From whose womb did the ice emerge,

And who gave birth to the frost of heaven

When the waters are covered as if with stone,

And the surface of the deep waters is frozen solid?"

are questions she reiterated

just not out loud.

So, inside the solitude of her room

with these musings she did resume

<i>since admonished to 'make sure of all things'

in defense of my beliefs do not 'shrink back'

to delay or forever hesitate

with nature I'll start."</i>

Although, just for a moment

she flicks on the tube

to unwind, not turning on the light

to relieve the dark

she does sigh as again

pass her sheered windows

she remembers

a globe groans and bemoans


shooting stars and galaxies galore

beyond the storm still proclaim

an intelligence, an energy

a power not to be disdained

as plays in the background

Skillet's music score

many a youth this band does adore

Sabrina enjoys also its lyrics

and refrain:

Skillet -“Stars” (The Shack Version) <b>Official Music Video</b>

<a href=""></a>

Afterwards she wonders:

<i>Do they the Bible literally take

teaching that everything in the universe,

including the earth

and all life on it, is only a few thousand years old

given birth?

Say that God created all things in just six 24-hour days?</i>

Since the Bible's account of creation

does <b>not</b> conflict with conclusions scientific

about the universe's age.

Does not call their deductions

a mathematic mistake.

Too, scientifically the Bible does claim

as Christopher Columbus himself felt the same:

"There is One who dwells above the <b>circle</b>

of the earth,

And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers."

Along with, long ago known:

"Suspending the earth upon nothing"

even this later astronauts have shown.

These thoughts through Sabrina did again drone

as a skippy hip beat lingers

at first thought

<i>maybe my phone</i>...

Starts to dream...

Flight of the Bumblebee

<a href=""></a>

her brain cells to stream...about how cross-pollination guarantees variety and thus healthier and more resilient plants.

Then grew she saw

mounds of black and red ants

causing her to flinch...

When Angels Fall - Dark Emotional Piano Beat | Prod. by Dansonn

<a href=""></a>

dark and melodic

not as humanity screams

after not given an inch.

Why they think God doesn't exist

because of war and its stench....

Like what Micah had to endure

as in our day:

"The loyal one has perished from the earth;

Among men there is no one upright.

All of them lie in ambush for bloodshed.

Each hunts his own brother with a dragnet.

Their hands are expert at doing what is bad;

The prince is making demands,

The judge asks for a reward,

The prominent one makes known his desires,

And they work it out together.

Their best one is like thorns,

Their most upright one is worse than a thorn hedge.

The day of your watchmen and of your reckoning will come.

Now they will panic."

Also, prophesied a glorious occurrence:

"In the <i>final part of the days,</i>

The mountain of the house of Jehovah

Will become firmly established above the top of the mountains,

And it will be raised up above the hills,

And to it peoples will stream.

And many nations will go and say:

“Come, let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah

And to the house of the God of Jacob.

<i>He will instruct us about his ways,

And we will walk in his paths.”</i>

For law will go out of Zion,

And the word of Jehovah out of Jerusalem.

<b><i>He will render judgment among many peoples

And set matters straight respecting mighty nations far away.

They will beat their swords into plowshares

And their spears into pruning shears.

Nation will not lift up sword against nation,

Nor will they learn war anymore.</i></b>

<b>They will sit, each one under his vine and under his fig tree,

And no one will make them afraid,

For the mouth of Jehovah of armies has spoken.</b>

For all the peoples will walk, each in the name of its god,

But we will walk in the name of Jehovah our God

forever and ever.

<i>“In that day,”</i> declares Jehovah,

“I will gather the one who was limping,

And collect together the dispersed one,

Along with those I treated harshly.

I will make the one who was limping a remnant,

And the one far removed a mighty nation;

And Jehovah will rule as king over them in Mount Zion,

From now on and forever."^


Butterfly – Jab Harry Met Sejal | Anushka Sharma | Shah Rukh Khan | Pritam | Imtiaz Ali

<a href=""></a>

She woke with a smile after laughter

when it dawns on her

<i>"Yes!... A Video."</i>

To describe the varieties in men

their thinking, dress, food, fashion

still on basic necessities

all mankind does depend

unlike animals surviving by instinct.

Man plans and conceives of love

he does think.

<i>So why if intelligence

himself he does grant

surely our grand universe

even if not totally understood

in his own ignorance

would he not thank a Creator

and not of him rant


of all that he gave:

Oxygen, horizons

and a ransom he paid

to extend life eternal

our earth

Him to save?

Then I'll end with a quote:</i>

In the mid-1800’s, British biologist Alfred Russel Wallace agreed with Charles Darwin on the theory of evolution by natural selection. But even this renowned evolutionist is said to have stated: “For those who have eyes to see and minds accustomed to reflect, in the minutest cells, in the blood, in the whole earth, and throughout the stellar universe..., there is intelligent and conscious direction; in a word, there is Mind.”

Yes, this scientist wrote.

So, we must concede:

God is a person, an individual.

Not a vague force devoid of personality,

floating aimlessly throughout the universe

without purpose. Originality.

He has thoughts,

feelings, goals.

Infinite power

wisdom daily majestically unfolds.

Explains why complexity in design

found everywhere in creation,

especially in living things

should not boggle. It refines.

And although, Him we cannot see

as He has created all physical matter.

Hence, these elements he cannot be.

Rather, he is a spirit, or nonphysical in nature.

Not limited by time.

Always has existed.

Will always exist.

Has a personal name.

Jehovah is He...

Divine... <b>TO BE CONT'D</b>


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