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We March On. . . 21st Century Love During a Time of Violence: Wayne & Sabrina's Story

For those who like a back-story, here is Wayne's and Sabrina's synopsis. Or you can skip to Chapter One Immediately following this summary impromptu... For as far back as she could remember, Sabrina, an African-American Vietnamese, had always looked forward to living forever with her reunited family and friends in a paradise restored on earth. Especially with one best friend--Wayne Kang. One fine African-American Korean, who had a sense of humor divine. But Sabrina's announcement to him of her new profound glorious 'anointing' as one of Christ's future brothers' along with the sudden death of one of each of their cherished parents, her African-American JW father and his African-American JW mother caused Wayne to experience an extremely devastating emotional pain. Caused him to profess the same 'anointing' too as Sabrina, though inwardly he felt shamed since otherwise, he sadly knew– He really hoped to live on earth. Now without Sabrina. Hopelessness ensued. But, joyous, Sabrina became. Since, unaware of his bogus claim. On campus, Sabrina courageously tried to carry on a witnessing work in the midst of rising ridicule; especially hurtful her peer's consistent derision, since Wayne claimed them as his newly accrued brew-guzzling crew. Followed, against Sabrina, a slew of slanderous insults which mountainous grew beside his erratic rapid deflection from a way-of-life once eagerly pursued. Crushed her pride in him to diminish after constant deliberation and reflection; without viable actions to her faith in him replenish. Many afternoons fleeing from them to a favorite park spot sadly weep in hide. Fading fast her patience replaced by anger and personal pride. Eventually, Wayne's newfound arrogant antics tossed him into a hospital, necessitating a medically induced coma for survival to ensue. Requiring Mr. Kang, Wayne's dad, who up until just recently abhorred Sabrina, to call upon her presence to help heal, yes, awaken Wayne, which she more than obligingly desired to lovingly do. His plan wonderfully succeeded. After which Mr. Kang proceeded to have her tossed out of the hospital– no longer wanted nor her attendance physically needed. Therefore, Sabrina returned home to a desultory routine as she tried to balance her work of informing classmates of an impending destruction soon to come that will cleanse the world of its evildoers even Wayne who’d, to many vices, did sadly succumb. This message she desired Him to promptly heed. Though she waited on Wayne, literally and spiritually, his ride of immorality to finally overcome. To be her permanent life partner. Return to loyalty and integrity. Stalwart become. But, before Wayne's obvious beating he'd daily insist upon Sabrina's demonstration of her intense love for him. She finding it difficult immorality to resist with Wayne's insistence. Firm defenses, she did swallow; as he minimized his admirer's belittling actions to be of little consequence even as his behavior became more reckless and immoral. His words once inspiring, now shallow and hollow. Subduing Sabrina's happiness thoroughly through until she caved under his persuasion and his wife in secrecy became. Until she'd figured out how to pull him from a spiritual muck and mire he'd quickly fallen into. Knowing, though, that her reasoning would be considered pathetic and lame by her mother and his father... Her family already familiar with Mr. Kang’s disdain. Sabrina's heart had split; sadly divided, causing her once atheist mom, along with fellow believing friends, to set out to help readjust Sabrina's focus before current trends, denoting a rapid climax to this system's, not the literal world’s end, caused Sabrina to lose out on her heavenly privilege wonderfully secure if she chooses it to wholeheartedly defend. Although, her mom and dad's hope was earthly. To live on land cleansed and renewed. Will both Sabrina and Wayne regain their equilibrium to fight forcefully together against peer and family pressures to renounce yes pursue--a restored faith in their ‘hope’ of a peaceful future despite escalating violence, rebellion and turmoil worldwide and the real possible threat of imprisonment for a neutral stand? Or will Sabrina need to mentally separate from her man to demonstrate her gratitude for Christ's ransom, even if Wayne, like his father, an apathy to God's wonderful incoming Kingdom government now scathingly did claim, which would shorten their lifespan eternally, for Wayne in heaven 'supposedly' proposed or for his father– upon this glorious land? Stay tuned... For this is the beginning. Yes, how Wayne and Sabrina began... CHAPTER ONE Spiraling as a tornado in a spot brewing this whole first semester, trapped in Sabrina's analytical brain, word's from adolescence her black father through Bible study Sabrina ingrained: "Therefore, I appeal to you by the compassions of God, brothers, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, a sacred service with your power of reason. And stop being molded by this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, so that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God."* This constant stewing after professors' daily deliberation of mother nature, an accepted source of which this magnificent universe un-purposefully sprang. (Although, her Asian mother, for which reason Sabrina entered this elevated education of intellectual strain, full-scholarship attained, agreed, causing this daughter devoted emotional pain, as a house divided creates rupture; familial strain. Her eyes are diverted by her iPhone as it silently scrolls her breaking news of yet another terrorist attack in London#, she quickly perused.) Here I sit listening to fact less chatter presented as concrete matter which, in effect, all morals universally shatter while this world's relieved of accountability when thoroughly alleviated from sordid consciences an Almighty Deity relegated to ancient pulp fiction. The current headlines make her tragically sadder: Several hurt in 'terrorist' incident on London underground train# Sabrina glances around this large youthful crowd in an auditorium of her peers in rapture by this bearded instructor jeaned with tee shirt, posturing lean and proud wondering which one of these eager beavers would be inspired to breed hatred then enact violence unbrotherly. Totally nationalistic. Actions death-dealingly loud. Who she failed to see was a fellow believer--He focused on her unusual beauty casually clad in fresh attire individually 'rad'. Wayne's constant cause of early attendance, when sleep he infinitely preferred over this male professor's spouting the 'survival of the fittest' theory growing an intellectual disdain for a loving Creator's profound majestic creativity. However, Sabrina contemplates her nagging scholarly negativity: How do I spin this into a position to explain these turbulent times? Their meaning: The advent of The Apocalypse. A Revelation to John about the end of our days. Armageddon. Yet, not the end of our earth, to an international mankind eternally lent. Although, a wicked force and his demons to this world cast, angrily sent will do all that is necessary Sabrina's endeavors to prevent. . . To Be Continued on 6/8/2022 AWAKE! 5 Questions About Suffering Answered Romans 12:1, 2: Therefore, I appeal to you by the compassions of God, brothers, to present your bodies+ as a living sacrifice, holy+ and acceptable to God,+ a sacred service with your power of reason.+ 2 And stop being molded by this system of things,+ but be transformed by making your mind over,+ so that you may prove to yourselves+ the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. # © 4 years ago, Lucretia McCloud teen • love • pain • sad • society © 19 minutes ago, Lucretia McCloud hope love rhyme sad society teen


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