You tickle me pink...
Why should I quit
this luxurious ship
capable of filling my every desire
after more than adequately
taking caring of my basic needs?
And you present your case
as if I should do this with speed?
Ludicrous, I think you...
In your actions and deeds
I see you as more than impulsive spiritually...
Heed your presented warning
Why should I
though in many places
sadly people live in hunger and squalor?
With my wealth
I contribute to the removal
of children's pain
causing them to scream and holler...
I give more than measly an 'extra' dollar
to the homeless...
I pray for those in the Ukraine.
I leash my dog with a personal collar
to keep him within my reach. Restrained.
I've finally arrived to help humankind.
Why am I required to seek, search, or find
another entity invisible
called Almighty?... Why of Him
should I inquire?... Why ask His 'name'?
I believe He's already been
in my life... Doesn't my lifestyle say to you 'blessed'
in comparison to many men and women daily
anxious and stressed?
Of what else should I really aspire?
And if the world lifts me higher and higher...
Why should I reject their love?
Inwardly, their united 'likes' give me social power.
So why should I 'want' to believe
that this is truly
The Almighty's... Designated hour?
You tickle me pink.
Asking me to stop, consider, rationally think...
"Moreover, just as it occurred in the days of Noah,
so it will be
in the days of the Son of man:
they were eating, they were drinking,
men were marrying, women were being given in marriage
until that day
when Noah entered into the ark,
and the Flood came
and destroyed them all.
Likewise, just as it occurred
in the days of Lot:
they were eating, they were drinking,
they were buying, they were selling,
they were planting, they were building.
But on the day that Lot went out of Sodʹom,
it rained fire and sulfur from heaven
and destroyed them all.
It will be the same
on that day
when the Son of man
is revealed." Luke 17:26-30.
A Better World Is Near Photo credit: © 23 hours ago, Lucretia McCloud