If You Fall One found curled tight into a frightened ball under a thorny bed/bush of adversity, overlooked up top a snowy mountain...
Marching On. . . 21st Century Love During a Time of Violence: Wayne & Sabrina (15) 1st draft
Marching On. . . 21st Century Love During a Time of Violence: Wayne & Sabrina (15) 1st draft https://allpoetry.com/story/17108495-Marchi...
'Stand Firm'
'Stand Firm' "Wisdom makes a wise man more powerful than ten strong men in a city. For there is no righteous man on earth who always...
Warning: If Toting Baggage Into a Blessed Future
Warning: If Toting Baggage Into a Blessed Future "Fear Jehovah and serve him with integrity and faithfulness". 'In a blameless way.'...
'Recession' Proof
'Recession' Proof "Jehovah is the one marching before you, and he will continue with you. He will neither desert you nor abandon you. ...
'Things That You Have Not Known'
'Things That You Have Not Known' "“This is what Jehovah the Maker of earth says, Jehovah who formed it and firmly established it; ...
My God; Your God
My God; Your God "This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ."...
Marching On. . . 21st Century Love During a Time of Violence: Wayne & Sabrina (12)
Marching On. . . 21st Century Love During a Time of Violence: Wayne & Sabrina (12) https://allpoetry.com/poem/17062591-Marching-On.-.-.-...
Still Lost or Found
Still Lost or Found "That is why justice is far away from us, And righteousness does not overtake us. We keep hoping for light, but...
'Shoulder to Shoulder'
'Shoulder to Shoulder' When all the queen's horses rise up in unified neigh to kick and rejoice over a designated day disregarding...